Publicat in United Kingdom - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 24 Feb 2023 01:25 - 9

Buenas querida comunidad de Erev,
Hoy me han despertado a través del artículo de Zakk, pero antes de entrar de lleno en ello, quiero decir, que le hemos propuesto un acuerdo a Irlanda desde el comienzo, el cual ha sido rechazado constantemente por Winston, por eso esta guerra entre ambos países se mantiene activa. No queremos llevarnos mal con Irlanda, no es nuestro deseo. Asi que desde aqui reitero, hagamos la paz Winston, Irlanda en sus cores y UK en las suyas propias.
Dicho esto, vamos a lo interesante:
Esta mañana, la anterior comunidad a la que perteneciamos muchos de los actuales miembros de UK, ha sacado un articulo en relación a multies y otros factores y se nos acusa de usarlas para sacar gold o de compra de cuentas pero, ¿ Tiene zakk una doble vara de medir la moral?
1- ¿Quién está detrás de la reconquista?
Pues muy sencillo, Zakk y sus fieles mas cercanos. Salvo Galaico podria decir que todo el partido politico de Reconquista son multicuentas del entorno de Zakk, usadas en la batalla contra Indonesia para hacer algo más de daño o publicar articulos elaborados por zakk. Al igual que los insultos se producían desde estas multies para no desvelar quien era exactamente.
Además de hacer ese pequeño daño, o decir insultos en feed. Estas multies ayudaban a controlar el Estado Español, para que nunca estuviese en manos de otra persona.
Recordemos un ejemplo, Drako se presenta a las elecciones, Zakk no quiere que salga, entonces ley marcial de voto a favor del candidato de Zakk. Si no lo haces las amenazas y la expulsión de la comunidad.
2- ¿Compra de cuentas?
Se ha acusado del tema de Boris (tema que desconozco), pero Zakk entre tus propia comunidad hay cuentas que no son de su propietario actual, ¿denunciamos a Juanek por ejemplo? ¿Quien está detrás de Juanek? Doy una pista también empieza por J….
3- Por último,se nos acusa de hacer multies para sacar gold pero solo veo, de mis tiempos en los canales del gobierno un beneficiado, que fue el propio Estado español, que durante la guerra con Indonesia se embolso ese dinero a través de las multies de reconquista.
4- Por último, todo el mundo es libre de moverse de partido politico, pais o de MU en un juego, nadie os pertenece.
Zakk, consejos vendo pero para mi no tengo.

Good morning dear Erev community,
Today I was woken up by Zakk's article, but before I get into it, I want to say that we have proposed an agreement to Ireland from the beginning, which has been constantly rejected by Winston, which is why this war between the two countries is still going on. We do not want to get on badly with Ireland, it is not our wish. So from here I reiterate, let's make peace Winston, Ireland in its own colours and the UK in its own.
Having said that, let's get down to the interesting stuff:
This morning, the former community to which many of us current UK members belonged, put out an article regarding multies and other factors and we are accused of using them to take gold or account buying but does zakk have a double moral yardstick?
Let's start:
1- Who is behind the reconquest?
Quite simply, Zakk and his closest followers. Except for Galaico I could say that the whole political party of Reconquista are multi-accounts of Zakk's entourage, used in the battle against Indonesia to do some more damage or to publish articles made by zakk. Just like the insults were produced from these multies in order not to reveal who exactly he was.
Besides doing that little damage, or saying insults in feed, these multis helped to control the Spanish state, so that it would never be in the hands of someone else.
Let's remember an example, Drako runs for election, Zakk doesn't want him to run, then martial law of voting for Zakk's candidate. If you don't do, the threats and expulsion from the community.
2- Buying accounts?
Boris has been accused of the issue, but Zakk among your own community there are accounts that do not belong to their current owner, do we denounce Juanek for example? Who is behind Juanek? I give a hint it also starts with J....
3- Finally, they accuse us of making multies to get gold but I only see, from my times in the government channels, one beneficiary, which was the Spanish State itself, that during the war with Indonesia, they pocketed that money through the multies of reconquest.
4- Finally, everyone is free to move political party, country or MU in a game, nobody belongs to you.
Zakk, I sell advice but I don't have it for myself.

pantodIsraelgfAndreevAhileusAhileusComentarii (9)

Mas verdades

Ireland does not do deals with thieves and cheats
And the rest of your article while referencing internal Spanish matters is basically an admission that the entire PTO of UK is by multi accounts...
So incase anyone is in doubt what I have been saying is true you have it here from the supposed MoFA of stolen UK

Wiston as you said, eerything is from internal matter of spain, 0 recognise to what you said, just saying we want an agreement for free UK and not conflict between neighbour, you just rejected it. Nothing more related to Ireland 

Clearly it is not just an internal matter for Spain though is it because you dragged Ireland into your internal conflict by stealing and cheating your way into the UK , our colony.

Todos estamos de paso pero España permanece. España no se toca.

Más verdades Trapi? Como que Reconquista eran todo multis salvo Galaico? Tú estabas en Reconquista. Eres una multi?

a mi me dijeron de entrar en reconquista supuestamente por que zakk me mando y que yo los conocia a todos jajajaja y luego no congreso ni nada un partido fantasma = mas votos

i think you have to figure it out between you first than to all your allies if you want from us to pick a side, something that most of us don t care of.

Gracias Fekun por por fin confirmar al mundo el modus operandi de Zakk y compañía.