Publicat in United Kingdom - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 20 Feb 2023 09:07 - 8

Dear erevolution!!
Today we announce the born of a new community. We are a group of citizens from different parts of the game who have looked for a new place to settle. That country is the United Kingdom, a country that was dead but thanks to us has been revived.
We had some problems at the beginning of the project, but so far it is going well, with new people joining the project. The liberation of all Croatian occupied provinces and the peace agreement with them is a great success in beginning to liberate our hearts from foreign occupation.
It is not all good things, we have to highlight the bad treatment received from the Irish saying that we are stealing their colony and that the United Kingdom is theirs, which we consider incorrect, no country is anyone's colony, and that attitude is not right on the part of Ireland, all countries are sovereign, that is why Ireland is attacking us and as it is obvious we are defending ourselves, and it will continue, we always wanted peace, but not everyone agrees with it.
Si vis pacem para bellum.
In the UK everyone is welcome to participate in this project, we make no distinctions, this is a new project, in which we seek the common good and that all its citizens agree with the decisions of the government. Come to our discord:

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different parts of the game = spain 🤣🤣🤣

Nice tonsee new community, good luck with your project.

Long live UK🇬🇧

You cheated your way to into the UK, NOTHING will wipe that stain from your characters. Forever in this pixel game you will be know as cheaters and nothing in my mind is worse.
So you have your country, you may defeat Ireland and Croatia and have bonuses etc.
But you have ZERO honour but tbh it is clear you don t give a FU.. about honour do you?

Paul we are not just spanish, we have more people joining our project and we want this keep happening. In diversity is wealth

is wealth and zero honour...