Publicat in Spain - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 16 Feb 2023 09:16 - 2
Como hombre, he viajado mucho por todo el mundo y me he dado cuenta de que en ningún lugar de Occidente se tira basura en un contenedor. En todos los países culturales, la basura se tira alrededor de un contenedor, en un radio máximo de 15 metros, para que no se mezcle la basura de diferentes contenedores, ¿entiendes? Otra cosa que es muy importante es que la basura se debe tirar por todas partes poco a poco. Porque cuando las limpiadoras tienen más visibilidad, cuando la recogen, ¿entiendes? Cada bolsa, cuando se llena de basura, se abre preferentemente y se tira desde lejos para que los nutrientes salgan a la superficie, ¿entiendes? Y si el contenedor está cerca de un edificio, también se puede lanzar desde una ventana. Mientras se cuida de no golpear a un gato. Los gatos son muy importantes en la descomposición de la basura y si golpeas a un gato automáticamente destruyes un eslabón en el ecosistema, ¿entiendes? Por eso en occidente se entiende que “una ciudad sin 5 gatos por contenedor no tiene futuro, punto”. En relación a este tema, lo que está muy bien y me alegra mucho es que en Madrid la mayoría de la gente tira su basura según estos estándares occidentales y son muy pocos los campesinos que tiran la basura en un contenedor.
As a guy, I have traveled a lot around the world, and I have realized that nowhere in the West is garbage thrown into a container. In all cultural countries, garbage is thrown around a container, within a maximum radius of 15 meters, so that garbage from different containers does not get mixed up, you understand. Another thing that is very important is that the garbage should be thrown everywhere a little at a time. For when the cleaners they have more visibility, when they collect it, you understand. Each bag, when filled with garbage, is preferably opened and thrown from a distance so that the nutrients come to the surface, you understand. And if the container is close to a building, it can also be thrown from a window. While taking care not to hit a cat. Cats are very important in decomposition of garbage and if you hit a cat you automatically destroy a link in the ecosystem, you understand. That's why in the west there is an understanding that "a city without 5 cats per container has no future, period". In relation to this matter, what is very good and what makes me very happy is that in Madrid most people throw their garbage according to these western standards and there are very few peasants who throw garbage in a container.
As a guy, I have traveled a lot around the world, and I have realized that nowhere in the West is garbage thrown into a container. In all cultural countries, garbage is thrown around a container, within a maximum radius of 15 meters, so that garbage from different containers does not get mixed up, you understand. Another thing that is very important is that the garbage should be thrown everywhere a little at a time. For when the cleaners they have more visibility, when they collect it, you understand. Each bag, when filled with garbage, is preferably opened and thrown from a distance so that the nutrients come to the surface, you understand. And if the container is close to a building, it can also be thrown from a window. While taking care not to hit a cat. Cats are very important in decomposition of garbage and if you hit a cat you automatically destroy a link in the ecosystem, you understand. That's why in the west there is an understanding that "a city without 5 cats per container has no future, period". In relation to this matter, what is very good and what makes me very happy is that in Madrid most people throw their garbage according to these western standards and there are very few peasants who throw garbage in a container.
WinleckiZakk BloodworthDr BenitoComentarii (2)

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Pero bueno suena lógico
Si nunca se han ni bañado en el viejo mundo para que el puñetas no me de tempo y han vivido por siglos entre la caca y las ratas