Publicat in Spain - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 10 Dec 2022 11:42 - 13

Anxo BastosWinleckiundergroundComentarii (13)

Erevollution 3 ya!

Totalmente de acuerdo, el juego esta medio muerto y con un reinicio o una nueva version podemos volver a esos inicios cuando erev2 estaba lleno de jugadores reales activos

In my opinion majority of erev1 people didnt bother with erev2 because they already had developed accs in erev1 and were lazy. If i remember correctly erev2 majority were outcasts - people that were not on the winning side of erev1 and other similar games, thus looking for a fresh start. I am supporting erev3. I think there are people disappointed in similar games as well, and erev3 can attract a wider audience with proper advertisement among player circles.

So, admin using bots, want to see what real community in erev 2 thinks about openning new server, erev 3. Hmmmmm

@stevan na levo krug, napred marsh, pero nash golem maz x2 fatil gluvce za opash x2

Its amazing how @PiratesNeverDie is level 35 and he remmember erev2 on start xD

@Salah i am not level 35 and i remmember ere2 at the start, and it was a much better game that what it is now, we had tons of active people and countries and an interesting first world war. Why we cant came back and remember these days? With new game we can get it, its a win win for all, for the admin to have a new game with more people and for the players for having more fun in a alive game

For me, new events with new medals ar fun.

its even more amaizing that people are illiterate in 2022, Member since: Oct 16, 2018

Reset the game and only keeps 10 companies and 10% of gold. I vote for that. The main reason to left the game is the str and companies gap. A reset is the solution. A LOT of players will come back and new one will come.

actualizar diaria yo subor q de empresas 🤑🤑🤑

NO THX... Spain wants new server just cause they see themselves short on STR after they came back. You should of played the game like the rrest of us if you wanted to be in line with the rest of us...

@asmin we want a new server to have a game with more activity, but a new game doesnt mean that the other games are going to close, with erev2, erev1 was still available to play, with a new game it can be like that