Publicat in United States of America - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 18 Aug 2022 23:25 - 8
Hello to everyone and welcome to most lar Quiz of erevolution!
And yes! You will answer to several question, i I will input them into "Sasuke multi generator" which I create in time when Sasuke made epic fails, time when he forgot to log off from Admin account and log in into Boby account. Oh what glory days that was. Remember that time? Me too!
So lets get back to the Quiz!
Are you the grand prize Govedo?

In comment you will answer to several questions, then I will input your answers into "Sasuke multi generator" and you will get which Sasuke multi account are you!
I will edit article with generator results!
Quiz questions:
1. How many time you spend daily on erevolution?
2. What do you think how many multi accounts does Sasuke have?
3. How many multi accounts of Itso were banned?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. When (erev time) are you most active?
Govedo please finish this project!

So, good luck! Wish all the best for everyone!
MoonshadowcoasssscoasssscoasssssteppenwolfDr BenitoDr BenitoMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepMobbDeepBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaBocaMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeMr John DoeComentarii (8)

Prize for all corect???

This is no competitive quiz, its just for fun and entertainment!

No prizes, no answer

Upload also hot men 

No se lo que dice pero Govedo tiene mi apoyo. También apoyo la propuesta de Evans

son tus primas Godofredo?

1. 30 min
2. Sasuke is USA!
3. 69
4. Blue
5. 07:00

I am Sasuke