Publicat in Romania - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 09 Jun 2022 14:41 - 7
After first article (left intentionally incomplete) so we can all see Stevan`s way of showing his incomplete truth from his point of view.., lets see how really things went with clear and uncut screens like Stevan did to mismerge stuff the way he wants you to see things...
So lets start with Stevan`s article and lets see what he tries to tell us:

So what can we conclude from his affirmations.. that he 1st off all thought of USA ??? .. Stevan you got good bonus regions after remap and 1st things first that you though is how to give them to USA??? (And before remap witch side was winning from your point of view theirs or ours that you needed to make a NAP and put something good on the table? US or them?
And after that you tell us that you split the bonuses equally... lets do some math and lets see:
Peru 2x100
Bulgaria 1x100
Serbia 3x100
SA 1x100
That is really equally split... I wonder how they even accepted this equal dividing of the bonuses.. or s we make the math again how you explained it to me and not in the article?

So, someone please help me on this map with measurements to see who is closer to UKR granite in Crimea... BG or RO? :D

I really can not decide, honestly, both our customs regions are equally close to Crimea I say from my point of view.. (but after the RL war in UKR is over we can try to go by foot both from BG and from RO to see who is closer),, or you want it by sea side Stevan? :D
Sorry but my mere thoughts on this is that you thought first how to get rid of a pain in the with all the RWs on Serbia and to give BG, (even though like we see in the prints you think like me, or that is what you told me, that RO won before the remap the BG-RO war and regained its CORE regions...) yes to give BG first before your ally RO 1x100 bonus for house.
Now I know what you are going to say cause you already said it on wall chat... That one time I want bonuses and one time I don't want bonuses.. Well no my dear Stevan I told you from the beginning that my intentions are not to get bonuses as I also refused the extra regions for the so called 80/80/80 you were thinking of RO to get.. ROMANIA and me on several times if you remember and Cos I think can also remember this did not want any bonus... WE ARE A MILITARISTIC ORIENTATED country, not a FARMER one. Or do you not remember the times you almost begged me to get bonuses for RO, and told me its time to get RO some bonuses and I told you that if Serbia has bonuses and you continue doing us the favor of working in Serbia with taxback for us its same thing as having bonuses and even better to defend only yours and not also ours.. (we also at one point rented some regions to you to have bonuses and did not think for 1 second to make full bonuses to us). And here is proof of me saying from the start to you that RO does not want UKR regions and did not wanted them for bonus but we wanted UKR to be free and none of us, be it BG or RO get them.. cause that seamed more than fair to me thinking exactly like you that RO won the WAR before remap against BG and we should have been the ones putting conditions not them. (with or without allies that is, cause BG also had help in the war even though they accuse us of being helped by Serbia, they also got more than help from USA, meaning Boby`s stubborness...)

And here also:

But lets see what was the offer from you to RO when it comes to bonuses, and what you are saying in your article you wanted RO to heave:
This ( ) is what you presented me as what RO gets from the NAP:

Meaning this in the SS:

Meaning this as far as bonuses:
CORE that is 40/60/40 + Sand from UKR and Dear from POL or from BELARUS, other region bonuses are none important.. why should I even go to POL ?? Or those allot of arrows look better if they are many to you but none important as far as bonuses lol.. infact with only this I would have got the same thing as you put with all those arrows...:

Infact its same thing ... bringing all to a mere 60/60/60 and not 80/80/80 as you present it in your article:

And you tell me you wanted WORLD WIDE PEACE and RO to rest and stock up resources but infact you wanted RO, as you say further to go after more bonuses where? In Hungary cause Slovakia is Hungary region so that means makeing us make a war with the HUNs, and cattle in Finland??? Well isn`t that your 100% bonus for food ? You wanted to give it to us? or you wanted us to stretch even more and waste even more and weaken us in all this period of so called peace and unity and resource gathering for BG who lives peacefully and not bothered by us while in NAP? :D .. Why not even tell us we can get as far as RUSSIA and get 100% in food with fruits in Arkhangelsk Oblast... or ohh that you already appointed to someone else IN THE OTHER ALLIANCE not in ours... ;)
Also why you say here you though of giving us limestone from Serbia when that thought came from me not from you.. or do you not remember when you asked me how can ROMANIA have gotten 100% in house with granite in Crimea without limestone ???

and later on you ask me:

and my answer is:

So only here you infact acknowledge the fact that RO could also have gotten 100% bonus on house not as you tell me RO didn't have any way to get it... but you were to busy to divide the bonuses between SRB-USA-BG not to your own allies... another proof that you only thought for you and for your peace with USA ad BG... not for your own ally...
But you let everyone believe in your article that you offered RO 80/80/80 but in conclusion you gave us 60/60/60 from RO CORE + 2 UKR regions, POLAND REGIONS that we did not even need (but look better on paper to be more) + Belarus dear region + other how many country colonies to waste time defending for us ? Lets see: UKR+POL+BELARUS+LITHUANIA+LATVIA+maybe FINLAND .. and with these maybe 80/60/60 and with SRB limestone that I proposed a maybe 80/60/80 and with SLOVAKIA from a WAR with HUNs.. a maybe 80/80/80 ? Do you think I am crazy to let everyone from the other ALLIANCE rest and especially BG while RO has 9 RWs to GUARD?????? What PEACE is that for RO???? Only guarding them from the rest of NON-MENTIONED countries in the NAP would take quite allot of effort from a country as RO but to have 1-2 non listeners from BG and 1-2 non listeners form MKD and so on... THIS MY DEAR STEVAN IS WHY I DID NOT ACCEPT A NAP and REGIONS handed out to me as GOOD MERCHANDISE but infact MORE WORK than PEACE for RO !!!
And the fact that you handed so easy to BG a 100% bonus instead of even asking us first what we as an ALLY of yours need before talking to the OPPOSITE SIDE made it even worse for me, but I only refused NAP nicely without yelling at you as I should have done when I heard your proposition...
And on top of that you tell me you will sign NAP with or without us.. so that was a mere sign of DONE DEAL from your point of view without taking in consideration anyone else besides you.

And on top of that you accuse my Prime Minister BattleHero of talking behind my back to USA representative Sasuke of a so called deal of NAP before USA even helped BG against us, and with this making RO the one guilty for Boby being so stubborn to erase us and Serbia do so much work to protect us... or?

Than I phoned BH and he sweared of never even talking to USA (and I believe MY man and my ally not the enemy...)
And soon after BH, after talking to you linked me this:

meaning from his links:

So you more or less accused BH of talking to Sasuke, of a deal that Sasuke did not even give you any proof what so ever but you believed him cause he told you stuff in the past that pointed out to be true and have you confronted BH or me with this ? No you just trowing this right now... to make what of this? Me and BH not trust each other? Or me think this all could have been avoided... when infact none of this really happened... though LUCK mate, I trust my men and know BH never discusses anything without consulting it with me first as I always do with my guys... I do not take decisions alone without hearing what they have to say on the matter first...
ALL in all these are the conclusions I got from all this and from your behavior:
1. You negotiated the NAP for your own (personal good) and Serbias good without thinking of your ally members or as you call them MPP list. And take this as a lesson from me on diplomatics, a NAP involving more parties is negotiated while all agree to their part in the NAP, RO did not agree cause was not consulted was only told what awaits her.
2. You singlehandaddly gave bonuses to the OPPONENTS before thinking of your ally or discussing it with them first. And I doubt you even tried to negotiate something better for RO after me asking one of the 2 terms in witch we can sign the NAP with the rest of the countries.
3. You accuse RO, and me more, of not appreciating SRB help while infact one hand washes the other mate... and SRB profited from helping us as a well though diversion from its other WARs and I never said SRB not helped us but you also admitted RO helped you as much as we could in key battles I may say.
4. You accused me of wanting bonuses when in fact I NEVER wanted any and you know from the ped I always refused bonuses with lots of RWs to guard.
5. You accused my PM when you know Sasuke would do anything for me or any RO player to look bad.
6. You did not take into consideration the fact that on many battles and you know this from our past talks, RO did not even force itself when Boby (or Sasuke behind its account as sitter) forced the end of the fight.
7. Sry to say this but I suspect you of wanting to better make RO even more tired while in this NAP with all the connexe WARs with the rest of the not involved countries such as HUNs and lots of RWs we would have ended up to have with the pointed out TREASURE MAP you linked as BONUS for us if we signed the NAP..
8. You tried even to bargain the so called gift of RO working its companies in Serbia either 100% taxback for signing NAP or 60% after you say I made you mad.. childish gameplay... or psychological term an emotional blackmail sort of...
9. You even try in your article to tell SA that I planed with you to allow BG to attack SA, but you never came with any proof of that and I wonder why? Or should I tell you why? Cause that is another way of putting me in the dark face of the sun sort of...
And finally number 10. I linked my conversation with you, you linked some sort of conversation from your point of view with me on wall chat (I did not open them as I was writing this article but you linked like 3-6 links and I suppose its that) but have you linked your DISCUSSION with the OPPOSITE SIDE so we all see if what you are telling us is infact true ..... hmmm..... NOPE!
And as a BONUS you also tried on wall chat to somewhat advertise to RO people that they can go to Serbia, thinking of what? That this way you will irritate me or make me mad or? :D lol.. you made me laugh even more...
LATER EDIT: And I live you these screens also so you remember WHO you accuse of being a lier:


Well a 3rd would be what I always told you when you said you will help us not get deleted... (though I never kept screens from past discussions between you and me only what I have now in the logs)... and you remember what that was... ?
I QUOTE MYSELF: I prefer you to DELETE Mexico even if we get erased from the map, RO players know this and we do not care for some pixels... END OF QUOTE.
But you decided RO staying on the map is more important than DELETING Mexico and thus having an advantage better than anything against the opposite side.. SO DON`T BLAME ME FOR HELPING US NOT GET DELETED AND NOT SUCCEEDING DELETING MEXICO ... I always gave you the choice to make that step acknowledging the fact that we may be deleted while doing that... and ME and RO PLAYERS were always aware that could have happened and WE WOLD HAVE TAKEN IT as a part of the game ... thats why we even proposed 1vs1 to BG... taking it with the posibility of losing it but it seams they have no BALLS to accept my proposition to them :P
So lets start with Stevan`s article and lets see what he tries to tell us:

So what can we conclude from his affirmations.. that he 1st off all thought of USA ??? .. Stevan you got good bonus regions after remap and 1st things first that you though is how to give them to USA??? (And before remap witch side was winning from your point of view theirs or ours that you needed to make a NAP and put something good on the table? US or them?
And after that you tell us that you split the bonuses equally... lets do some math and lets see:
Peru 2x100
Bulgaria 1x100
Serbia 3x100
SA 1x100
That is really equally split... I wonder how they even accepted this equal dividing of the bonuses.. or s we make the math again how you explained it to me and not in the article?

So, someone please help me on this map with measurements to see who is closer to UKR granite in Crimea... BG or RO? :D

I really can not decide, honestly, both our customs regions are equally close to Crimea I say from my point of view.. (but after the RL war in UKR is over we can try to go by foot both from BG and from RO to see who is closer),, or you want it by sea side Stevan? :D
Sorry but my mere thoughts on this is that you thought first how to get rid of a pain in the with all the RWs on Serbia and to give BG, (even though like we see in the prints you think like me, or that is what you told me, that RO won before the remap the BG-RO war and regained its CORE regions...) yes to give BG first before your ally RO 1x100 bonus for house.
Now I know what you are going to say cause you already said it on wall chat... That one time I want bonuses and one time I don't want bonuses.. Well no my dear Stevan I told you from the beginning that my intentions are not to get bonuses as I also refused the extra regions for the so called 80/80/80 you were thinking of RO to get.. ROMANIA and me on several times if you remember and Cos I think can also remember this did not want any bonus... WE ARE A MILITARISTIC ORIENTATED country, not a FARMER one. Or do you not remember the times you almost begged me to get bonuses for RO, and told me its time to get RO some bonuses and I told you that if Serbia has bonuses and you continue doing us the favor of working in Serbia with taxback for us its same thing as having bonuses and even better to defend only yours and not also ours.. (we also at one point rented some regions to you to have bonuses and did not think for 1 second to make full bonuses to us). And here is proof of me saying from the start to you that RO does not want UKR regions and did not wanted them for bonus but we wanted UKR to be free and none of us, be it BG or RO get them.. cause that seamed more than fair to me thinking exactly like you that RO won the WAR before remap against BG and we should have been the ones putting conditions not them. (with or without allies that is, cause BG also had help in the war even though they accuse us of being helped by Serbia, they also got more than help from USA, meaning Boby`s stubborness...)

And here also:

But lets see what was the offer from you to RO when it comes to bonuses, and what you are saying in your article you wanted RO to heave:
This ( ) is what you presented me as what RO gets from the NAP:

Meaning this in the SS:

Meaning this as far as bonuses:
CORE that is 40/60/40 + Sand from UKR and Dear from POL or from BELARUS, other region bonuses are none important.. why should I even go to POL ?? Or those allot of arrows look better if they are many to you but none important as far as bonuses lol.. infact with only this I would have got the same thing as you put with all those arrows...:

Infact its same thing ... bringing all to a mere 60/60/60 and not 80/80/80 as you present it in your article:

And you tell me you wanted WORLD WIDE PEACE and RO to rest and stock up resources but infact you wanted RO, as you say further to go after more bonuses where? In Hungary cause Slovakia is Hungary region so that means makeing us make a war with the HUNs, and cattle in Finland??? Well isn`t that your 100% bonus for food ? You wanted to give it to us? or you wanted us to stretch even more and waste even more and weaken us in all this period of so called peace and unity and resource gathering for BG who lives peacefully and not bothered by us while in NAP? :D .. Why not even tell us we can get as far as RUSSIA and get 100% in food with fruits in Arkhangelsk Oblast... or ohh that you already appointed to someone else IN THE OTHER ALLIANCE not in ours... ;)
Also why you say here you though of giving us limestone from Serbia when that thought came from me not from you.. or do you not remember when you asked me how can ROMANIA have gotten 100% in house with granite in Crimea without limestone ???

and later on you ask me:

and my answer is:

So only here you infact acknowledge the fact that RO could also have gotten 100% bonus on house not as you tell me RO didn't have any way to get it... but you were to busy to divide the bonuses between SRB-USA-BG not to your own allies... another proof that you only thought for you and for your peace with USA ad BG... not for your own ally...
But you let everyone believe in your article that you offered RO 80/80/80 but in conclusion you gave us 60/60/60 from RO CORE + 2 UKR regions, POLAND REGIONS that we did not even need (but look better on paper to be more) + Belarus dear region + other how many country colonies to waste time defending for us ? Lets see: UKR+POL+BELARUS+LITHUANIA+LATVIA+maybe FINLAND .. and with these maybe 80/60/60 and with SRB limestone that I proposed a maybe 80/60/80 and with SLOVAKIA from a WAR with HUNs.. a maybe 80/80/80 ? Do you think I am crazy to let everyone from the other ALLIANCE rest and especially BG while RO has 9 RWs to GUARD?????? What PEACE is that for RO???? Only guarding them from the rest of NON-MENTIONED countries in the NAP would take quite allot of effort from a country as RO but to have 1-2 non listeners from BG and 1-2 non listeners form MKD and so on... THIS MY DEAR STEVAN IS WHY I DID NOT ACCEPT A NAP and REGIONS handed out to me as GOOD MERCHANDISE but infact MORE WORK than PEACE for RO !!!
And the fact that you handed so easy to BG a 100% bonus instead of even asking us first what we as an ALLY of yours need before talking to the OPPOSITE SIDE made it even worse for me, but I only refused NAP nicely without yelling at you as I should have done when I heard your proposition...
And on top of that you tell me you will sign NAP with or without us.. so that was a mere sign of DONE DEAL from your point of view without taking in consideration anyone else besides you.

And on top of that you accuse my Prime Minister BattleHero of talking behind my back to USA representative Sasuke of a so called deal of NAP before USA even helped BG against us, and with this making RO the one guilty for Boby being so stubborn to erase us and Serbia do so much work to protect us... or?

Than I phoned BH and he sweared of never even talking to USA (and I believe MY man and my ally not the enemy...)
And soon after BH, after talking to you linked me this:

meaning from his links:

So you more or less accused BH of talking to Sasuke, of a deal that Sasuke did not even give you any proof what so ever but you believed him cause he told you stuff in the past that pointed out to be true and have you confronted BH or me with this ? No you just trowing this right now... to make what of this? Me and BH not trust each other? Or me think this all could have been avoided... when infact none of this really happened... though LUCK mate, I trust my men and know BH never discusses anything without consulting it with me first as I always do with my guys... I do not take decisions alone without hearing what they have to say on the matter first...
ALL in all these are the conclusions I got from all this and from your behavior:
1. You negotiated the NAP for your own (personal good) and Serbias good without thinking of your ally members or as you call them MPP list. And take this as a lesson from me on diplomatics, a NAP involving more parties is negotiated while all agree to their part in the NAP, RO did not agree cause was not consulted was only told what awaits her.
2. You singlehandaddly gave bonuses to the OPPONENTS before thinking of your ally or discussing it with them first. And I doubt you even tried to negotiate something better for RO after me asking one of the 2 terms in witch we can sign the NAP with the rest of the countries.
3. You accuse RO, and me more, of not appreciating SRB help while infact one hand washes the other mate... and SRB profited from helping us as a well though diversion from its other WARs and I never said SRB not helped us but you also admitted RO helped you as much as we could in key battles I may say.
4. You accused me of wanting bonuses when in fact I NEVER wanted any and you know from the ped I always refused bonuses with lots of RWs to guard.
5. You accused my PM when you know Sasuke would do anything for me or any RO player to look bad.
6. You did not take into consideration the fact that on many battles and you know this from our past talks, RO did not even force itself when Boby (or Sasuke behind its account as sitter) forced the end of the fight.
7. Sry to say this but I suspect you of wanting to better make RO even more tired while in this NAP with all the connexe WARs with the rest of the not involved countries such as HUNs and lots of RWs we would have ended up to have with the pointed out TREASURE MAP you linked as BONUS for us if we signed the NAP..
8. You tried even to bargain the so called gift of RO working its companies in Serbia either 100% taxback for signing NAP or 60% after you say I made you mad.. childish gameplay... or psychological term an emotional blackmail sort of...
9. You even try in your article to tell SA that I planed with you to allow BG to attack SA, but you never came with any proof of that and I wonder why? Or should I tell you why? Cause that is another way of putting me in the dark face of the sun sort of...
And finally number 10. I linked my conversation with you, you linked some sort of conversation from your point of view with me on wall chat (I did not open them as I was writing this article but you linked like 3-6 links and I suppose its that) but have you linked your DISCUSSION with the OPPOSITE SIDE so we all see if what you are telling us is infact true ..... hmmm..... NOPE!
And as a BONUS you also tried on wall chat to somewhat advertise to RO people that they can go to Serbia, thinking of what? That this way you will irritate me or make me mad or? :D lol.. you made me laugh even more...
LATER EDIT: And I live you these screens also so you remember WHO you accuse of being a lier:


Well a 3rd would be what I always told you when you said you will help us not get deleted... (though I never kept screens from past discussions between you and me only what I have now in the logs)... and you remember what that was... ?
I QUOTE MYSELF: I prefer you to DELETE Mexico even if we get erased from the map, RO players know this and we do not care for some pixels... END OF QUOTE.
But you decided RO staying on the map is more important than DELETING Mexico and thus having an advantage better than anything against the opposite side.. SO DON`T BLAME ME FOR HELPING US NOT GET DELETED AND NOT SUCCEEDING DELETING MEXICO ... I always gave you the choice to make that step acknowledging the fact that we may be deleted while doing that... and ME and RO PLAYERS were always aware that could have happened and WE WOLD HAVE TAKEN IT as a part of the game ... thats why we even proposed 1vs1 to BG... taking it with the posibility of losing it but it seams they have no BALLS to accept my proposition to them :P
JomiabeJomiabeJomiabeDiamantisGrigori Yefimovich RasputinEl TarloBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroBattleHeroComentarii (7)

the kind of stories that fascinate me, where the truth comes out on its own sooner or later... thanks StevanG, thanks for not even trying to keep allies, but we know you have no idea what an ally means... better president of Serbian history xD

He goes more for the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer ... 

we are still waiting for serbia to erase mexico xD

well, now everyone knows the truth,
shhh shhhh
can you hear it?
the world war 4 is coming, the beast is going down!

once i was banned by the admin and strike from many players because i wrote article with one private messages. Is it game rules changed or it was on other platform? 

When both parties share same conversation is admitted, cause it is considered as both agree to share their CONVO, so nothing is wrong...

Very interesting ...