KFC News

herosiv - Ziar din Poland -
Account sitter

Publicat in Serbia - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 07 May 2022 14:32 - 5

Since March 9th StevenG has sitter on this account. Today I logged to the account since long time and I found out that some(?) Serbian citizens didn't know he have sitter here. So to clarify StevenG is controlling this account so you can write to him instead here. 


Comentarii (5)

Welcome herosiv o7
2 months Sitter ... WOW... What is that ? Legal Multie?
You are not telling the truth. This is the battle of 7 days ago. https://prnt.sc/4ZQw4PmkCHMl
I told the truth. Idk why he hitted there but I don t care. I won t be playing more so other actions and comments from now on isn t me.