
Viracocha - Ziar din Brazil -
Good Bye

Publicat in Peru - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 09 May 2021 08:29 - 40

Well, this will be the poorest article I have ever done, but it will be simple.Due to the Administrator I will leave the game, unfortunately he banned several players who were 2 clicks without inflicting game rules, the only common factor was that they were less than level 100 and that's rare, I don't know if that's why the Administrator thought they were multiaccounts, because he doesn't know how to do his job.Well that's one of the reasons,There is nothing interesting in the game anymore, I had fun annoying Serbia at the time, but I don't see any interest anymore.
The Administrator just always repeats events there is nothing new, nothing interesting.I achieved almost everything I wanted in the game, I was a respectable player who deserved my respect.
I managed to lead campaigns conquering capitals of strong countries in the game, including conquering all the capitals of Mexico and Greece in different times.I managed to find people to have fun with and for various reasons they are no longer in the game.
Sincerely I liked the game a lot in the beginning, but it was declining due to bad management in different times and different people.
My respects to all countries, especially Serbia, USA, Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, among others.I want to thank everyone who helped to make this game fun and entertaining.
Possibly I let my account die and it will be a few days 2 clicks, but my activity was not the same anymore.I wish success to everyone who will continue in this pixel game, just have fun as much as you can.
It's a see you soon friends and my best wishes to each of you, above all take care that COVID 19 is getting worse and worse in different countries.
PS: for those people who think that I had multiaccounts are wrong, what affects me is that real players with nothing wrong are banned and simply the admin does not justify their actions, also to see that they simply decided not to make an effort to return to a dead game.RegardsI bid farewell KiritoAtt.


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Comentarii (40)

Farewell Kirito, Best wishes in RL❤❤
Escribe en mexicano wey, no entiendo que dices. Solo vi la parte donde dice México es papá de Perú o algo así
Bye bye, and take care.
Bye chichico
Best wishes for your in your life!!!!!
Superchavin México no gano ninguna campaña en el Game vs México, y me refiero ya cuando yo interveni directamente, recuerdo la primera campaña, que no podia intervenir hasta obtener aprobación cuando Mex estaba Borrando a Perú con ayuda de sus aliados, e igual fui a ayudar sin MPP y no pudieron desde allí avanzar y casi iban a ser Borrados por Brazil, México se creen mucho, peeo simplemente ya todo el mundo vio que Perú violo a México en un 1 vs 1 Laugh y eso que ni nos esforzamos
Maybe the admin is starting to ban all accounts using VPN... Smile
bjez ba a ja se taman zagrio da se igram Sad
Yes VPN is the reason of ban, goodbye Multiland (Perú)
Farewell mate, YAdmin here does not even stick to his rules anymore. For many months now.
dont worry erev3 coming soon.
@Kirito no te vayas :c Se va a poner bueno
O7 brother ! Thank you for all and goodbye
For the idiots who don t know Peru doesn t use VPN, the players who originally used it were banned many months ago, that s why this ban had no basis to be made, but the brainless can think that, successfully using the little grey matter they have in talking nonsense.
All good in RL bro, this is just the game.
Wish you all the best in rl
Se te va extrañar Kirito tienes razón en muchas cosas . Pero al final es un juego ojalá no dejes morir tú cuenta y puedas regresar en algún momento
Pero solo estas hullendo de Peru a USA con todas tus multis(bueno unas cuantas xD)
gl in rl Wink
Que buena broma, todos sabemos de sus sucias trampas para generar dinero :v Hasta el admin lo sabe pero se hace de la vista gorda xD
Y bueno, la primera campaña México vs Perú la ganamos nosotros Cheeky Después ustedes tuvieron que usar visa y multis para poder ganar algo Laugh
o7 respect
Take care mate, o7
All the best in RL!
Y la versión en español? XD en fin Kirito haz sido de mis mejores patrones xD
no te vayas
Sad to hear that. Hope best for your real life amigo
good bye mate, Crying GL in RL I m multies peruvians of Indonesia Wink See you in the other game, we fight in war Indo-Peru Kiss
Me corto un huevo si este ridiculo se va de verdad, va a hacer berrinche unos días y luego lo tendremos de nuevo por aquí Na mas necesita atención el chavo
Hi I always love fight against to to you especelly in late night or earlly Morning and if I win. 😁
Wish you best in RL. PS: boobs missing Smile
Wish you best in RL o7
I m surprised Kirito know the word brain really is very intelligent with this commentary admiting the use of VPN for players in Perú but he don t talk that tor browser use the same method of VPN, Pay for more attention in your house Nurse
Donde te vea pegando o comentando en el futuro, no te la vas a acabar😌, conocerás lo que es traer a alguien a pan y miembro. Mi querido y siempre inútil enfermero
JAJAJAJAJA Qué clase de patraña es! Bye? te vas a USA jajajaja, ¿buscas atención? pues parece que es tu necesidad.
Pues mira, si el juego se ve apagado simplemente inventate un proposito en el juego. El mio es molestar a Perú o a Gringolandia de forma random. Ahí, desde las sombras. Quitarles bonos y esas cositas. Tienes que ser el pionero de tu destino, no seguir los caminos que los demás te pongan. Se libre, se como yo.
Cuanto hate para un gran jugador, gracias a el admin se compro un bitcoin 😬
eyyyy wait! -ArkantosKissgracias a el admin se compro un bitcoin 😬 * Dices que el admi le compró un bitcoin. Según tú el GRAN JUGADOR ! El baneo es por uso de la misma IP y donaciones, muestra la identidad de todas esas cuentas por las que se ha hecho una nota bastante rara, es el BYE de ePerú o del game? o la venta de una serie de cuentas...
Seguro el tal Arktontos se la croma todos los días al del cucurucho en la cabeza y zapatito blanco