Zeus Today

Zeus - Ziar din Georgia -

Publicat in Georgia - Analiza de razboi - 17 Apr 2021 11:25 - 4

we're glad to announce that kingdom of Saudi Arabia and republic of Georgia, signed a non-aggression pact, thus ending the hostilities between two sides. 2 sides agreed on these terms:

both countries end any kind of hostilities between two, such a Direct Wars, Resistance War (to be more precise nor Georgia, nor Saudi Arabia, can fight against each other in resistance wars)
both countries refuse to have any claims to each other.

Sides agreed to partition Iran 

- Georgia will take Iranian regions: Mazandaran and Golistan, Razavi Khorasan, south Khorasan and Semnan from Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Arabia will keep Iranian regions: Esfahan ,southwestern Iran, Hormozgan
- Saudi Arabia will take Iranian regions: Kerman province and Fars
- Yazd will be FREE

Sides agreed to partition Kazakhstan 

- Georgia will take Kazakhstan region: Caspian shore
- Saudi Arabia will keep all other Kazakhstan regions for himself
- South Kazakhstan will be FREE

The agreement is valid for next 30 days. After 30 days new agreement can be agreed or not.



Comentarii (4)

Signed by CP of Georgia
Signed by CP of Arabia
Signed by Tochinoshvili
Khm i wonder .... Laugh