KFC News

herosiv - Ziar din Poland -

Publicat in Croatia - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 03 Sep 2020 06:52 - 3

More info about pets

1. Required food is always the same or increases with pets level?
For now food remain same for every LVL, we will see how is it going and possibly change it or add something with food

2. How we can get Upgrade Serum?
It will be on events for top players or in lucky things sometimes and in erev packs

3. Is there level limit for pet?
For now its 20

4. Are there any other ways to level your pet?

If you have some question write in comment and I will ask admin about it

I will update this article if I have new questions and answers to add


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Comentarii (3)

Admin said that if you have pet and if you get another pet, it will upgrade your pet.
I was asking about ways that are not mentions in Admin News
Can my pet eat other pets?