Publicat in Peru - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 14 May 2020 15:57 - 15
Good evening everyone,
According to personal negotiation with some citizens from U.S; The Holy Peruvian Empire declares that we will liberate one region to keep them alive until the formation of a new government there (and the result to make negotiation or continue of the war). The holy Peruvian Empire (as a formal declaration of the majority of their citizens) considers their goals achieved after the retire of Valuk from U.S. In consequence, our government and the current leader of mexico agreed to let 1 region to U.S in the rest of the war.
Emperor of the HPE
CybertelThedonitoSansskritTripleKolaJamesdelaneyJamesdelaneyJamesdelaneyComentarii (15)

#TeamEris Para cuando borramos a SA?

estoy en contra para favorecer a esa persona x, ya que esa persona x nos cobro por ayuda en daño, armas, nada nos dio gratis.


ALBEDO el no es.... el es su amigo, pero no la persona x


jajaja ese Rosiel como se nada.... pobre wey

Signed by current CP of Mexico


Nocte 😂😂🔥

I m confused in layers of post-irony.

there is not irony. Peru and Mex considered this campaign as a vengeance after decisions taking in U.S. against us.

Rosiel f@ck you

jajajajajajaja increible que un solo huevon cague todo lo realizado por el gobierno en solo 10 mins :v

I m still confused as to what prompted the vengeance as the US was attacked before Valuk took office, but regardless I m pleased to see this agreement.