Missions [7]

Publicat in Japan - Primii pasi in eRevollution - 11 Apr 2020 01:09 - 3

Hello everyone!

The missions are here for the 7 time! It will last from 11.04.2020 to 10.05.2020 (last day). Nothing new and this time.
Missions will come in phases (3 of each): Basic, Businessman, Soldier, Adventure.  
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
Completing missions with gold will be possible in the last week. 
Good luck to all! 

Mission 1: Raise your Strength by 50 points.
Reward: 25 Strength points.

Mission 2: Open 6 Pirate chest.
Reward: 600 of Food mat., Weapon mat. and House mat.

Mission 3: Voting 10 articles.
Reward: 100 Experience and 50 Q4 food. 

Mission 4: Finish Daily Task.
Reward: 3 Energy bars and 30 RPG.

Mission 5: Recover 2 000 energy using only food.
Reward: 10 Energy bars. 

Mission 6: Produce 1 Missile.
Reward: 5 Q3 Missile.

Mission 7: Use 5 Energy bars (temporary Energy bars are not counting).
Reward: 1 gold.

Mission 8: Complete the Daily Order in your Military Unit. 
Reward: 1 Q2 Booster.

Mission 9: Buy 500 products from market.
Reward: 1 000 Storage.

Mission 10: Use 6 Work tokens.
Reward: 200 Experience and 5 work tokens.

Mission 11: Buy and/or sell things 6 times using the Contract option.
Reward: 10 Work tokens.

Mission 12: Work for your employer 6 times.
Reward: 1 House Q1 and 6 Energy bars.

Mission 13: Produce 3 000 items.
Reward: 3 gold and 13 Energi bars.

Mission 14: Sell 5 000 weapon or food products on the marketplace.
Reward:  10 Work tokens and 1000 Storage.

Mission 15: Purchase 2 000 Weapons from market.
Reward: 200 RPG

Mission 16: Work 8 times for your employer.
Reward: 16 Work tokens.

Mission 17: Spend 28 Work tokens.
Reward: 500 Experience and 100 Strength points.

Mission 18: Use 10 contracts. 
Reward: 10 Energy bars and 10 temporary Energy bars.

Mission 19: Buy 6 000 food or weapon on foreign market.
Reward: 600 currency, 600 Q3 Food and 3 temporary Hyper bars. 

Mission 20: Sell 6 000 items on foreign market.
Reward: 6 gold and 16 Work tokens.

Mission 21: Produce 6 000 items.
Reward: 20 Work tokens, 2 000 Storage and 20 Energy bars

Mission 22: Make 700 hits in Daily Order battle. 
Reward: 700 Experience  and  70 Strength points.

Mission 23: Use 20 Energy bars (temporary Energy bars are not counting).
Reward: 5 gold, 5 Q1 Missile and 20 temporary Energy bars.

Mission 24: Drop 10 Missiles.
Reward: 1 teporary Hyper bar and 10 Energy bars. 

Mission 25: Produce 3 Missiles in your Strategic buildings.
Reward: 300 currency, 30 Strength points and 1 Q3 temporary Booster.

 Mission 26: Make 1 500 hits in a Daily Order battle.
Reward: 1 Q1 Booster and 20 Energy bars. 

Mission 27: Make 2 000 hits in Resistance Wars on the resistance side.  
Reward: 200 Strength points and 2 temporary Hyper bars. 

Mission 28: Deal 50 000 000 damage. 
Reward: 500 Experience and 40 Energy bars.

Mission 29: Make 2 500 hits for your country.
Reward: 250 Experience, 25 Energy bars and 2 temporary Hyper bars.

Mission 30: Make 2 500 hits for your allies.
Reward: 250 Experience, 25 Energy bars and 2 temporary Hyper bars.

Mission 31: Consume 100 Energy bars (temporary energy bars are not counting).
Reward: 133 Energy bars. 

Mission 32: Make 4 000 hits for your country. 
Reward: 40 Energy bars, 400 RPG and 1 temporary Q3 Booster.

Mission 33: Make 4 000 hits in Resistance Wars on the resistance side.
Reward: 40 Energy bars, 400 RPG and 1 temporary Q3 Booster.

Mission 34: Endorse 15 times article(s).
Reward: 5 gold.

Mission 35: Gain 500 Experience.
Reward: 5 gold.

Mission 36: Spend 30 Temporary Energy bars.
Reward: 5 gold.

Mission 37: Restore 50 000 energy using only food.
Reward: 50 Energy bars and 5 temporary Hyper bars. 

Mission 38: Earn 2 000 Experience.
Reward: 200 Strength points and  200 temporary RPG.

Mission 39: Activate 7 Houses.
Reward: 7 Work tokens, 7 temporary Energy bars and 1 temporary Q2 Booster. 

Mission 40: Drop 20 Missiles.
Reward: 10 Q3 Missiles and 20 Energy bars.

Mission 41: Use 7 Hyper bras (temporary Hyper bars are included).
Reward: 17 Work tokens, 17 Energy bars and 200 RPG.

Mission 42: Spend 5 000 weapons (RPG is included). 
Reward: 10 gold, 35 Energy bard and 350 RPG. 

Mission 43: Travel to 33 regions.
Reward: 500 Experience, 100 Strenght points and 1 temporary Q4 Booster.

Mission 44: Collect 27 rewards from Pirate chests. 
Reward: 27 Energy bars and 300 RPG.

Mission 45: Activate 2 Boosers (temporary Boosters are not included). 
Reward: 1 Q5 Booster.

Mission 46: Earn 2 Battle Hero medals.
Reward: 20 Q5 Missile and 20 temporary Energy bars.

Mission 47: Deal 150 000 000 damage.
Reward: 150 Strenght points, 30 Energy bars and 4 temporary Hyper bars.

Mission 48: Build a new company or upgrade an existing one.
Reward: 1 000 Experience, 1 000 Currency, 25 Work tokens and 1 000 Storage.

Mission 49: Use 100 Work tokens.
Reward: 80 Work tokens and 30 Energy bars.

Mission 50: Earn 35 gold by earning True Patriot, True Ally and/or True Revolutionary medals.
Reward: 35 Q4 Missile and 35 temporary Energy bars. 


Mission 51: Gain Resistance Hero medal. 
Reward: Qest Hero medal, 1 Land, 1 500 RPG and 300 Energy bars. 


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Comentarii (3)

o7 Thank you !
good job o7
Lets collect those pirate boxes Smile