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herosiv - Ziar din Poland -

Publicat in Croatia - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 06 Apr 2020 05:32 - 9


Somebody needs a little ego boost
So let's go

Useless analysis part 2.

Region: Macedonia
Battle ID: 14814
                                                             Greece vs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/650441461216837633/696682789642305566/unknown.png


Epic? No. Close? Yes.


2 Clickers made more damage than https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/650441461216837633/696682789642305566/unknown.png but they lose because of the Great Kingdom of Bulgarian Empire Two Times War of Nations Winner, xFactor Winner, New Top Model just Awesome Dudes(I hope this ego boost is enough BLA).

Ok but who is the true hero of this battle?
He did 1.4 billions damage but his damage did not determine the victory
Difference was only a 18 402 742 damage so if you do the maths he wasted almost 1.4B damage for nothing.

If you use erev2tools you can find the hero we are looking for.

He did 600 000 more damage than needed to just be sure they win, the true hero.

Ok now the riddle


So I ask admin about it.


And he replied with


At this moment I knew that admin wont help me with solving this.
So I checked his profil to find a clue


The clues were that he has a premium star, been playing from day 1 and he is rank 45.
So as veteran premium player he can have a lot of items in storage but he can also have none.

I couldnt find any answer to this question so I though that there is only one way left to find out what Senaid1994 has in storage. Just ask, so I did it.



jedimindtrickjedimindtrickjedimindtrickBillyGrandeBulgarian warriorBulgarian warriorBulgarian warriorBulgarian warriorPutka69Putka69Edge1914Akhenaton SetepenraextremoBTKapo GergeKapo GergePilsudczykAdminFZoleeGelerthGelerthGelerthGelerthGelerthszqlnyszqlnyszqlnypsy4akDellex

Comentarii (9)

where are the boobs........?
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Thank you
Sorry, forgot to answer you on that pm... :/
Smile Funny as usual
Oh sh!t wrong account... Guys how can i delete comments? Sad