Publicat in United States of America - Primii pasi in eRevollution - 11 Jan 2020 00:36 - 18

5 employees
5 energy q5
1 booster q3 temporary
1 missile q3
100 CC
50 RPG Q5
1 Hyper Bar q5 temporary
Jackpot Star
3 stars ---> 5 Gems
next 3 stars ---> 150 Energy q5
next 3 stars ---> Fiel Hospital 400 (10 days)
The cost is increasing by + 0.2g
Until you reach 3g
11.01 00:14
You need to collect 3 stars in order to collect one main reward, onceyou collect it it will fade a little bit
11.01 00:15
You have 1/8 chance to get one reward, it mean with each play you have12.5% to win Star. Nothing is multiplying
11.01 00:16
Once you collect all 3 mainrewards you will be able to play but you can not win main prizes anymore. On DC it will restart
11.01 00:17
admin, when the fieldhospital is won once, can I play again and accumulate days?
11.01 00:19
You can win 3 main prizes per day. So if you win today Gems/EB/Hospitalyou cant win it TODAY again. BUT tomorrow you can win it again
11.01 00:20
If you win today and tomorrow Hospital you will have 20 days
11.01 00:18
this wheel will be 2 days?if you got 1 jackpot did you have it tomorrow too?
11.01 00:23
@itso, no you wont have it tomorrow. Tomorrow is new day and new wheel.
11.01 00:33
@admin this event willupdate again after last prize?
11.01 00:37
@marvolo when you win 3main rewards you can spin wheel but you can not win big rewards. Tommorw is new
day and you will be able to win big rewards again.
Curious data
Tovar well i have tested it 71 time ... lowest invest was 33G andbigest was 391
AdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminJamesdelaneyAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdmincoasssscoasssscoasssscoassssF a n t aRagnarokRagnarokovicaDesteroidguzvic209Alex1975Alex1975TrigresaDlOrienteFonikokoulouriFonikokoulouriFonikokoulouriFonikokoulouriFonikokoulouriComentarii (18)

good I like it 😄


well i have tested it 71 time ... lowest invest was 33G and bigest was 391

Chile flag = Endorse

@itso thanks ...

a little bit too expensive for a normal player to get even 1 big prize

88g for all 3 jackpot

Tovar[Dante]Днес в 10:24
well i have tested it 71 time ... lowest invest was 33G and bigest was 391

200gold so far for 2 rewards.


200 gold i earned all rewards this is SOOO worth it


20 gold for 5gems

14 gold for 5 gems ^_^

What is the value of 5gems?

i got 10 gold 35 employess some bars and rpgs forgot how many but I think it was very worth!