Publicat in Peru - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 19 Dec 2019 07:02 - 167
Because Christmas is approaching, I took the initiative to give away some prizes, for all the players who have stayed in the game and motivate them in this way to continue in this game, as we are few but it is fun many times, it has tasted the sweet taste of victory, also as the bitter taste of defeat, it has been a very rewarding year and I sincerely hope Admin continues to bring news to the game and make it more and more entertaining.
I also had the collaboration of several friends in the game who contributed with juicy prizes.
I want to give a big thank you to all the players who contributed with each grain of sand to make this great draw.
This is the table of contributions of each player:

Due to all these juicy contributions we have the following total of prizes:

Take the initiative and dare to participate in this totally free draw, you could be the lucky one to win some wonderful prizes.....

Well, the time has come to know how to participate, it's extremely simple:
1 .- just write in your commentary the number, sequentially, if you come and place any number at random simply be disqualified, if someone notices this violation, do not pay attention and follow the sequence of number, for example, 1, 2, 3, etc., So that there is a sequence and is easier to choose the winner.
2 .- You should also make a comment about the festivities is not to make it different and more striking, for example:
Comment 1: At this time of year I wish you all an excellent holiday, no matter what your religion or beliefs are, this is a month of peace, which I believe every human being should enjoy with his family in the most beautiful way possible.
Note: You must register until December 24th until 19:59 erev time, until then comments will be valid.
Note 2: Comments that do not write your Christmas message will also be invalid.
The winners will be chosen on December 24th at 23:00 Erev time.
In the following way, depending on the number of comments that exist.
For example a total of 100 people have commented, the following page will be used Sweepstakes Page , I will give an example this page chooses number at random and can be programmed is what I will do, and the winners will be shown as follows:
EXAMPLE (It is only an example, if you enter the link you will realize that there is an option to choose date, it is what will be used for the draw)
On December 24th at 20:00 erev time, I will add the link of the Official Drawing so that those who wish can review the live draw.

Finally we have here the list of the prizes you can get:

The prizes will be awarded on December 25th or 26th, so if you are one of the lucky winners, don't worry, you will get your prize.

Without further ado, I'm off to wish you all the best of luck.
I also want to go ahead and Wish each of you a great holiday, enjoy this holiday with your family and loved ones, as they are the most important thing we can have.

Note: In the future I hope to make more drawing do not forget to subscribe to be aware of the News.

Because Christmas is approaching, I took the initiative to give away some prizes, for all the players who have stayed in the game and motivate them in this way to continue in this game, as we are few but it is fun many times, it has tasted the sweet taste of victory, also as the bitter taste of defeat, it has been a very rewarding year and I sincerely hope Admin continues to bring news to the game and make it more and more entertaining.
I also had the collaboration of several friends in the game who contributed with juicy prizes.

This is the table of contributions of each player:

Due to all these juicy contributions we have the following total of prizes:

Take the initiative and dare to participate in this totally free draw, you could be the lucky one to win some wonderful prizes.....

Well, the time has come to know how to participate, it's extremely simple:
1 .- just write in your commentary the number, sequentially, if you come and place any number at random simply be disqualified, if someone notices this violation, do not pay attention and follow the sequence of number, for example, 1, 2, 3, etc., So that there is a sequence and is easier to choose the winner.
2 .- You should also make a comment about the festivities is not to make it different and more striking, for example:
Comment 1: At this time of year I wish you all an excellent holiday, no matter what your religion or beliefs are, this is a month of peace, which I believe every human being should enjoy with his family in the most beautiful way possible.
Note: You must register until December 24th until 19:59 erev time, until then comments will be valid.
Note 2: Comments that do not write your Christmas message will also be invalid.

The winners will be chosen on December 24th at 23:00 Erev time.
In the following way, depending on the number of comments that exist.
For example a total of 100 people have commented, the following page will be used Sweepstakes Page , I will give an example this page chooses number at random and can be programmed is what I will do, and the winners will be shown as follows:
EXAMPLE (It is only an example, if you enter the link you will realize that there is an option to choose date, it is what will be used for the draw)
On December 24th at 20:00 erev time, I will add the link of the Official Drawing so that those who wish can review the live draw.

Finally we have here the list of the prizes you can get:

The prizes will be awarded on December 25th or 26th, so if you are one of the lucky winners, don't worry, you will get your prize.

Without further ado, I'm off to wish you all the best of luck.
I also want to go ahead and Wish each of you a great holiday, enjoy this holiday with your family and loved ones, as they are the most important thing we can have.

Note: In the future I hope to make more drawing do not forget to subscribe to be aware of the News.
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Octapole :o

NovenPole :3 vote 6 quiero mis dineros y los premios


11? This Christmas I wish you that there would never be a War of Nations tournament again, because it adds nothing to the game but gives you a month of farming

12 prros. Hashire sori yo kaze no you ni tsukimihara wo PADORU PADORU 😎♍

13 Lucky Me !!!!

14 Felices fiestas a todos y feliz año nuevo, Viva la Patria o7

14 me !!!

20 happy Christmas.. I wish 2020 will be best for all o7 ❤️

17 ... I wish everybody all the best in the upcoming New Year! ... Нека да е весела и щастлива новата 2020 година :-)

120 happy Christmas.. peace in world

15, I wish to finish finally my master degree. It s all i am asking for. Cheers to everyone and happy holidays!!!!

21 happy Christmas to everyone! XD. Fun year 

22 Merry xmas! It s nice to see everyone in a giving mood and helping out other members of the community. Thank you to all the kind people who contributed to this!


28 Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

331 sub

i wish you health to you and your families and peace at the earth

30 MerryChristmas bro 😉

23 Feliz navidad :3

Huevos pa todos, yo invito

47 - Happy new year. Среќна нова година!!!!

25, Arriba el Imperio peruano, Feliz navidad a todos o7

26😁 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

27 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! jijijiji

28, feliz navidad para todos las familias de todo el emundo! sobre todo para la fam peruana

29. un saludo para la comunidad peruana y felices fiestas para todo los compañeros de este game enemigos y aliados, ellos hacen este game mejor!

30! esta navidad les deseo lo mejor acompañados de todos sus seres queridos y en conpañia del niño jesus, derrame sus vendiciones sobre cada de uno de nosotros y podamos ser top mundiales!!!

31, solo quiero felicitar a todos los que seguimos en este game y seguir adelante! esta navidad pasemos con nuestros familiares y un saludo para todos!

N°37 en orden de comentarios. Felices fiestas para todos. O7

38 o7

v 41 Happy holidays to everyone have a great family time o7

#42, aprovechar el momento para dirigirme a todos. Gracias amis amigos y enemigos. Yo se que este es un game y no tengo rencor a nadie, y les deseo lo mejor a todos en estas fiestas!! Gracias Kirito x este evento

#43 feliz navidad a todos les desea papu

#88 Merry Christmas 🎅⛄♥️

#45 Its me, Happy Holidays

#46, feliz navidad

#47, feliz navidad a to2 o7

#48 Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2020

#49 felices fiestas, que sus sueños se cumplan, y un próspero año

#50 felices fiestas

16.. mantaaap

51 Happy holidays

#52 Happy Holidays,
I wish you good health and good fun

#53 Merry Christmas friend or foe,
kick back, relax, enjoy the show,
and when the New Year comes
rake in all the dough.
Something like that guys, I am not a poet. XD ... Happy Holidays to everyone

54. o7 all friends

#23 merry christmas Boys with health

17 Merry Christmas 

55 I wish you all guys happy hollidays, spend them in peace with your families!

No 56 aj da ste mi živi i zdravi - en that you re alive and in good health - живели!!!

#57 op!

No.58 I wish you all happy hollidays

77 Merry Christmas

#59 I am girl I like presents

61 😀

#62 Make Love not War, Merry Christmas

#63 Make war not love 

#65 merry christmas

64 make love in war

66 Felices fiestas a todos y feliz año nuevo

67 deseo Que Perú y Mexico algún día se enfrenten algún dia1 vs 1 (solos sin mpp)

68 merry christmas

69 Causirta estuvo aqui

70 make love not war

73 feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo son los deseos de #ernesto@ y que sean muchos más

v 71
Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2020


72.- “Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2020” 🎄 🎅. Thank Kirito

C 76
Felices fiestas navideñas y quiero mi premio

77 merry cristmas o como se escriba no sé inglés
Que pasen bonitas fiestas

78 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

80. Feliz navidad a todos

81 grac5 a todos y feliz navidad

82. Health and happiness in 2020!

Merry cristmas friend s

84. .. feliz navidad amigos que sean la Paz y la prosperidad en vuestros hogares el año que viene

85 Merry Christmas and Happy 2020

Cuando mandan los premios?

87 last

88 Merry Christmas!


90 Merry Christmas!

:c y la traducción?


91 Merry Christmas and hoping that we will be still here next year even though it’s highly unlikely
Make love and war!

95. Merry Christmas! Lovely presents to all the children in the world!

92 Merry Christmas!!

93 Happy Holidays!

94 , sinceramente espeor tener suerte, mis mejores deseos a amigos y aliados felices fiestas o7

99 felices pascuas y un próspero año nuevo a todos los jugadores de este gran juego

95 have fun

100 Merry Christmas to everyone, my best wishes to all!!

96 chears

Nro. 101 - Felicidades a todos !!

102... I hate Christmas because in this period there are a lot of non-working days... Anyway – I wish you to all Happy New Year... o7

106 feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo

107 marry cristmas and happy new year

108 Gezuar festat

109, i wish all of you to be healty and happy , and marry christmas

103 Merry Christmas

110 Merry Christmas!Hoping next year we get a few more players in the game!

111 Happy Holidays,remember this is just a game people,we play for amuzement

13 Lucky me. I forget message. I wish to all Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!!! Hristos se Rodi i Srećna vam Nova Godina. ❄📯🕭😇🎄🎉🎊🍾

112 merry xMas everybody feel the luv

113 merry christmas... hey tú si tú... Ella no te ama!... she doesn t love you

114 merry christmas bois.Wish you a good gaming 2020

115 Merry Christmas

116 Merry Christmas

117 Merry Christmas

118 Merry Christmas

119 Merry Christmds

120 Merry Christmas

121 Merry Christmas and happy drinking 

122 Merry Christmas

123 Merry Xmas

124 merry christmas
Let s hope that 2020 will start with total war in the game

125 Merry Christmas

126 Merry Christmas......... and happy

126 Merry Christmas

127 Merry Christmas........ho...ho...hho

128 наздраве

130 merry christmas

Feliz Navidad y que el 2020 nos traiga muchas guerras para todos XD

132 Merry Christmas.

133 Merry Christmas.
Наздраве на всички и весели празници !

133 Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad!!! 🎄🎁 Merry Christmas!!! 😃

134 Merry Christmas!

135 Merry Christmas!

136 Merry Christmas!

Merry christmass


142 merry christmas world

143 merry christmas, people and big thanks to all Who give these rewards o7

144 merry xmas good people

145 Merry Christmas

146 merry christmas bro


#148 Be better!

149 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

150 Feliz Navidad


155 Feliz Navidad a todos, más al admin que me quito 1 fábrica de armas Q6 y 1 Q5 


157 feliz navidad amigos!

157 Merry Christmas

158 feliz navidad

159 feliz navidad

160 feliz navidad amigos!

161 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

162 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

163 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

164 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

165 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

166 Stay away from games and near ur family this days 

End of registrations

We don t have number 60. The prize should be divided by numbers 59 and 61