Publicat in Bulgaria - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 06 Oct 2019 01:05 - 1
Следващата песен "Драгана и славей" е със солист Надка Караджова. Музиката е на Филип Кутев. Песента е включена във втория албум "Мистерия на българските гласове". Ако ви харесва и искате още подобни статии - вот и абонамент! :)
The next song "Dragana and Slavei (Nightingale)" is with soloist Nadka Karadzhova. The music is by Philip Kutev. The song is included in the second album "Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices". If you like and want more articles like this - vote and subscribe! :)
The next song "Dragana and Slavei (Nightingale)" is with soloist Nadka Karadzhova. The music is by Philip Kutev. The song is included in the second album "Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices". If you like and want more articles like this - vote and subscribe! :)
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