Ignis17 - Ziar din Mexico -

Publicat in United States of America - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 01 Oct 2019 16:53 - 37

This is a message from the eMexican community to all the eWorld

Mexico is a community that has gone through various internal political stages and this has affected our relationship with the rest of the countries, some remained as Peru, others ceased to be our allies or became enemies, not by our decision.

Despite the differences that have arisen over the course of 1 year that we have been together in this world, we managed to consolidate a friendship with great Allies such as Romania, France, Saudi Arabia, Peru.

The 72 (and counting) regions that we currently have been possible thanks to the support and effort of our allies, and the commitment to consolidate our friendship ties every day, without them we would not have reached this point.

Our motives to expand throughout the world have never been selfishness for obtaining 3x100 in bonds, we have settled for 100/80/80, and had this been our desire we would have demanded priority over other allies with the same merit that we at Just as certain countries are used to doing.

Now, what is the point of having more than 70 regions with repeated bonuses and that do not give you 100% advantage, since we knew the intention of the Admin to make a bonus readjustment we began to expand through all possible regions that will not affect any country, we never erase countries, even if they have been uninhabited for several months, all with the purpose of having more possibilities to occupy some bonus that could be useful for our allies in the aforementioned bonus reshuffle.

In our expansion through Asia together with the USA and Spain we seize Russian territories that initially served us to obtain 100 in food, currently that bonus is obtained from Brazil which was also distributed according to agreement with the former SMP alliance of which We were part.

13 days ago Bulgaria sent a threat to the Mexican community accompanied by a DoW, its arrogant demands were “give me the regions of Russia and we will not continue attacking any more of its territories for now”, this took us by surprise however we took action on the matter to try to reach an agreement that could avoid an unnecessary conflict and benefit both parties, however the foolishness of its leader was noted and the war could not be avoided, they agreed to negotiate absolutely Nothing.

Mexico advanced through Ukraine and Belarus expelling Bulgaria from these territories and taking possession of Russia until currently having a front in one of the Bulgarian core region.

At all times we are open to dialogue, however this has not occurred on the part of Bulgaria, and of course it is because they had already negotiated with the USA to take these territories for the benefit of both countries.

We regret the US decision to leave our MPP and exchange it for Bulgaria, however, we respect their choice and the path they have taken.

Hail France!!! Hail Romania!!! Hail Saudi Arabia!!! Hail Peru!!! 

¡¡¡Viva México!!! 

"Weapons should be reserved for the last place, where and when other means are not enough" Nicholas Machiavelli


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Comentarii (37)

Hail France!!! Hail Romania!!! Hail Saudi Arabia!!! Hail Peru!!!
Hail Albania
Lie, lie , lie.
Firmado por el emperador de Perú 🇵🇪
Viva México!!!
Mexico betrayed many times many countries. They will do it again. They are not reliable ally. There was not offer from Mexico side. Pretend to defend, attacking our cores. Hiding behind SA, Peru and France.
Do no lie Alcek. You are so pretentious. We tried to made a deal and what did you say? - We will take Russia and later propose something. Who did I betray? You left us in MaT alone, you wanted to take our regions, you DoW us and you Signed with our oldest ally just to get bonuses. Even when people thing you can t fall deeper, you surprises us with your Stockholm syndrome.
@Alcek see the Saudi Arabia Damage that suport us
And anybody is hiding. We are facing you. Don t pretend to be the victim when you were the big and fat boy who wanted to bully us.
@Alcek You are an arrogant man, he wanted to impose himself and ask for things by force. Stop lying that there is evidencie.
@Alcek dont lie the Mexican government tried to make an agreement with Bulgaria but you being pretentious said and I quote We want Russian regions. If you agree, after we take them, gonna prop peace.
great and fair article! GL o7
Alcek mentiroso quieres esconder tu falta de capacidad estratega ..Viva México, Francia, Rumanía, Arabia Saudita y Peru
It is easy to be arrogant, and to say that this belongs to me and because you are weak, I will expel you, they thought it was easy to erase, but they were surprised and now they cry again, they become the victim, Bulgaria launched the DOW first. that we only defend XD well, with strategy (thanks Yalitza), What you don t expect us to do may be that we can do it.
Wowowwowoo. Keep calm, guys. Some Bulgarians think that war is training 😁😁 😣
Wowowwowoo. Keep calm, guys. Some Bulgarians think that war is training 😁😁 😣
Big Support for Mexico! You did a great job in this game. First proved thats no one s puppet and raised in one of strongest countries. I like you Mexico, not this counties like USA and Bulgaria. They think we all need to be theirs serfs. Im not playin their game long time ago. Good luck o7
Changing sides and always choosing the easy way, these are Mexico s trademarks
@Boromir, anyone with Bulgarian attachments is allowed to talk about changing sides lol, it s in their blood
Lets wipe BG for all time ... nobody needs them here ! Lying is into BG a normal thing
No honor in Bulgaria
@Yalitza For MONTHS 5 of the top 7 countries were ganking up on us.And the only countries who showed their support to us were Georgia,Macedonia and Greece.We haven t left their side for 1 second,because they showed they have balls and we will forever be in their debt for their sacrifice.We could ve taken the easy way out of the war and sign a NAP earlier but our condition was for Georgia to be included in it because we wouldn t leave them alone vs USA,Brazil,OFC,France,Saudi Arabia,Spain,Portugal,Celio,Peru and Mexico(that s fair right?).And we did.We signed the NAP together.We could ve spared hell of a lot more resources on the Greece-Peru war but instead we drained ourselves even more and we freed Greece s teritories at a cost.All we wanted in this war was a BIT of balance,some help.We got a negative from Peru,who not only did not join us,but instead bended over the threats of USA and Chris and joined SMP and joined the fight vs us.Serbia didn t do absolutely nothing and instead of aiding us(Thank you coasss for being the only player who did),which could ve helped a lot to atleast bring interest in the war,they decided to conquer Romania.Nevertheless we gave them Vidin region so they can make 100 bonus on their weapons and they had it for months even tho we aren t allies.When we were,we gave them Blagoevgrad region for the same reason even tho a lot of players in Bulgaria were against it.When Saudi attacked Georgia a while ago we didn t even have mpp and we splashed 1 billion damage(which was worth way more than it is now) for them without medals.It s true that you realize who your friends are in though cituations,but we have always proven ourselves as a loyal ally as long as we got friendly relations and partnership and not only countries looking for us to use us and to toss pointless accusations when something doesn t always get their way.Of course,everyone is entitled to their own opinion,so there really isn t much point in us discussing this i guess. o7
@Boikov You are a good guy and I respect you. But don t forget that BG did the same (or even worst) against Brazil, when you made Pantheon alliance. You gathered all top countries in same side and launched 5 DoW against Brazil. About allies, at the end of WW3 the lack of balance was fault of BG itself. MAT had more firepower than SMP. But Bulgaria let Croatia and Serbia lose the wars without helping (trying to keep SA permawiped). As a result, MAT was dissolved and BG had no chance to defend itself. Don t blame Serbia for this.
Well, as native Belarusian I`m glad that ingame Belarus took part in world`s big something, xDDDD
Nielton +1
And never forget something, this war was a consequence due to the insolence and threathof Bulgaria s CP. We wanted to talk with you, but you felt the owner of the game and underestimated us (or did you forget the DoW you sent first and lost the initiative?).
I like these cat fights *Meow* Laugh
Nielton, did u forget that USA used tricks to block the MPP between Bulgaria and Serbia? Smile We helped Serbia without medals many times but some of them wasnt very thanksful and start crying and Bulgaria left MAT
cries in chihuahua
@Better look around, its a great TW with Q5 DS lose
yep, true here: Serbia didn t do absolutely nothing and instead of aiding us(Thank you coasss for being the only player who did),which could ve helped a lot to atleast bring interest in the war,they decided to conquer Romania. They will pay for that eventually.
Reason for end of TNT? Bulgaria wants 6v1 ... TNT vs. Croatia SA and Serbia vote no , next day end of TNT! Your guys always play the fine guys but you are not Smile show us your mass msgs to people now ! And dont worry , we working hard to ruin your plans to get 3×100 after bonus shouffle
Respect for México, from North Korea.
@Harisharko,let me know how that works out for you seing as we dont have absolutely any such plans.Sure,a bonus is always nice but a 3x100 bonus would be next to impossible to get with the new rule for the rare resourses and im prety sure bo one will have that anymore.We arent obssesed with even 1x100 bonus,all we want is a balanced,challenging and fun game for everyone so i hope thats something you would be going after as well.
@Boikov i respect your work for efort the game but the 1st and 2nd strongest country against the 5th or 6th is really a balanced game, good job.
Bulgaria that s happening when you do so many bad things Smile Life is one circle, everything comes back, sooner or later...