Publicat in United States of America - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 11 Sep 2019 05:57 - 9

SaSoldierAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminGoguadzeGoguadzeBaninyjenkins67KardynalKardynalKardynalKardynalKardynalKardynalFlugengholenKoukouroukoudanidddSelio MGSelio MGHapticoEklavyaaThe SamanyuyevonchorrillanoCimbalarmohammadi4321shyrzadadhrazaree16389shirzad1365Balabantrfreshteh7654shyrzad1928Amir82SubiektywnyUnaGrandeLibreHailipiAgisvali2009Ragnar lodbrokSebastian Davalos RecargadoKing haraldMetin98mtbmathewKapitCowsmosakCowsmosakCowsmosakCowsmosakCowsmosakComentarii (9)


@herosiv admin announced research center on day he gave us discount on day 146 for it? also players for passing current mission needs hyper new players can receive it and pass it? we have 3 way....1) buy gold from store but it not possible for all players.. 2) admin give hyper bars as reward of previous missions....admin said cant change reward....3) give discount for 24 hour make it, just for players that they received to mission 39 before day 345 and have at least 6K strength, not for all players.

great article. good job. 

Jack firstly discounts are on every strategic buildings not only for research center, you could build and upgrade research center on second discount like for example me. I think this missions supposed to be hard and only if you are prepare or visa player you can finish them.

most people dont know yet what is hyper bar, thats a clear sign that they dont read admin news
good article o7

we deserve discount

Serxhio, exactly. People who do not care initially, start caring when possible free gifts show up.

most people dont know yet what is hyper bar, thats a clear sign that they dont read admin news Laugh good article o7 x2

que mierda es la hyperbarra? admin, agarrame la chota!!! mugroso!