KFC News

herosiv - Ziar din Poland -

Publicat in Romania - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 27 Jul 2019 00:44 - 12



Comentarii (12)

Hottest info from KFC o7
Sign by Minister of Defense from Hungary (Contact person for negotiation)
Signed CP of Hungary
Signed by CP of Romania
Signed by CP of Croatia
YAsmin had such a big mouth just a couple of days ago. It is good to see her humbled.
Signed by MoD of Poland
Wanted to add up nr.7 Bikkinei to do a poledance in his pink tutu... but I don`t want motorina to get to excited....
Calm Down oke I showed respect I want same back o7
nice nap good work to all o7
Signed by CP of Poland