Publicat in Ireland - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 23 Jul 2019 12:43 - 7

Following are the peace terms between the eIrish Republic and The eUnited Kingdom
1. The Irish Republic will rent the regions Scotland and Wales for 3 months costing... (known by the parties involved).
2. There is to be no Direct or RW wars between the eIrish Republic or The eUnited Kingdom. Should a RW be started by whoever then both countries will ensure that the eIrish Republic will win.
3. The terms of this deal last for 3 months and will be in place even if the CP changes in either country.
A special thanks to the Spanish CP, fraisquet who mediated this agreement.
Ireland Abú
Comentarii (7)

Signed as mediator

Signed as Irish CP.

Signed as MoFA MoD Ireland


Signed as United Kingdom PM

Signed as UK CP