Publicat in United States of America - Analiza de razboi - 08 Jun 2019 05:17 - 14

Thanks ylber5 (

GuepoDesteroidBenito Amilcare MSenju KenshinDreSanuSebastian Davalos RecargadoGarikTankMartin Luna 75MagusMagusAkturkAkturkAkturkPablo CostaJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardJean Luc PinardMojoMrstrangePepeebozilauraMilesRochatRochatRochatHuangHuangHuangHuangHuangdeadaccountCaly FloresValentin AquinoHereli007Noel Al XiordiaRaidenAlexEstrellaRCDE23PortgasAcePortgasAcePortgasAcePortgasAcePortgasAceHandrmoljaxSkiesxSkiesxSkiesxSkiesxSkiesForever 26HoumsGrizzly021jenkins67chivachivachivachivachivachivaMontanelasMontanelasMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiterMilimiter1914BATRANUL99veliki ratnikLadyBUGComentarii (14)

Buying 3k weapons on marketplace - - this one is bullshit omg

📘 12 Azules 📗 12 Verdes 📕 ¿6 Rojas? 😱😱😱

Now all weapon prices will hit the peaks :/ srupid mission

OK, Yellow misions


30G with TP means 300M damage xD I don t imagine with the top players lol

Where are gold missions?

Nobody reach that missions. I made the captures or helped by friends. Admin don t give any info the admin changed mission 38 de ion from asking for 5 boosters to 2 boosters.

S556 V181 Thank!

nice article