Publicat in Ireland - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 21 Apr 2019 13:09 - 11

Greetings my fellow citizens and my friends from around the world! Oró sé do bheatha 'bhaile!
Today we gather as the creation of the Second Irish Empire is unfolding.
Ireland has one of the best resource sets in the game and we are still adding. Along with growing in manpower and skill ever so slowly.
We have been silently rebuilding our nation back to our once glorious position in the eWorld.
I want to thank to thank all Irish citizens and our wonderful allies for helping us secure new regions.
In the coming days we will be revamping our country economically and rebuilding. If you're interesting in coming to Ireland, please let me know. We have much to offer from communes to a growing private sector. We will be offering gold/IEP (along with tax refunds and gold start ups) for new citizens. Along with a hospital for out great nation, as well as multiple DS's will be placed for a strategic defense and planning.
It's a long game lads. We have yet to fulfill our great potential as a sovereign nation.
I'd also like to announce that the Irish military will be undergoing some changes. We have just introduced the Irish
Ranger Wing for our OPs.
Translation (roughly):
I am a Ranger
Son of Cumhall and Brother of Fionn Mac Cumhaill
I am one of Na Fianna
Acknowledging my heritage and my current comrades, until my day is over
I fully accept and obey my leaders, my duties to my country
I am a Ranger
I am a leader
I will show respect to all
I fully accept that at your signal I will fight, I will always come prepared
I am a Ranger
I will follow my part in the mission without delay
I will be ready for combat
I will not let down my comrades
I will be relentlessness when I am protecting them
Because together we are Na Fianna
And I am a Ranger.
Irish Government
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I will be relentlessness when I am protecting them. o7

Hail Brisleain! Hail Ireland!

Ireland Abú

Ireland Abú o7

Ireland Abú ! Hail Irish eCitizens !


Hail Ireland o7


Hail Ireland o7
Good luck friends