Publicat in Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Analiza de razboi - 01 Apr 2019 13:31 - 17
o losers
I m back to game after some time and became SC of alliance of world eaters, TNT , like 1 week ago.
at first day I became SC, many countries complained to me, and asked me to attack Brazil after end of the nap,
because of operations of OFC ,actually I decided to attack Brazil at first ,but after talking to different people from both sides, and thinking thoroughly, I reached this conclusion that it is not fault of OFC, that they are an organized MU , it is our fault that we dont have such MU.
I strongly believed ,we can make such a MU, so I started an old abandoned project again ,TNT special forces, TSF , and this project already is giving fruit ,in less than one week.
point of this article ,is not bragging about TSF ,this side has an organized alliance ,the other side doesnt have ,is it fault of TNT that its enemies, are not capable of founding and maintaining an alliance ,like what I wrote above ,I should destroy OFC, instead of going and trying to make ,sth that if cant match ofc ,at least to some extent compete with it.
go and think and stop complaining ,and start thinking we could instead of capital of MKD ,focus the other battle Paraguay vs Argentina ,and 90% win it ,but we choose a battle with more gap and DS q3 ,cause we wanted a challenge ,everyone enjoyed battle tonight ,losing and winning side both.
best regards
a loser
I m back to game after some time and became SC of alliance of world eaters, TNT , like 1 week ago.
at first day I became SC, many countries complained to me, and asked me to attack Brazil after end of the nap,
because of operations of OFC ,actually I decided to attack Brazil at first ,but after talking to different people from both sides, and thinking thoroughly, I reached this conclusion that it is not fault of OFC, that they are an organized MU , it is our fault that we dont have such MU.
I strongly believed ,we can make such a MU, so I started an old abandoned project again ,TNT special forces, TSF , and this project already is giving fruit ,in less than one week.
point of this article ,is not bragging about TSF ,this side has an organized alliance ,the other side doesnt have ,is it fault of TNT that its enemies, are not capable of founding and maintaining an alliance ,like what I wrote above ,I should destroy OFC, instead of going and trying to make ,sth that if cant match ofc ,at least to some extent compete with it.
go and think and stop complaining ,and start thinking we could instead of capital of MKD ,focus the other battle Paraguay vs Argentina ,and 90% win it ,but we choose a battle with more gap and DS q3 ,cause we wanted a challenge ,everyone enjoyed battle tonight ,losing and winning side both.
best regards
a loser
SaferM4gnusVELIKIAnunnakiTankiMarty ScurllTugaWolfrevenireaDejanCetateanul 23Hidorionplue5SPIRIT OF DEATHSulaRedWolf77steppenwolfCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxKoukoumafkaComentarii (17)

first lost

Voted o7 hail TSF


Hail TSF!

Nice battle it was. BUT, OFC isnt with the other side
As you can see we honor all our clients,and we do our best to secure all our MPPs battles. Like we did with USA vs Mexico. o7

I didnt say you are with other side
we all know it

we are enjoying the game
Admin, please fix the energy

OFC namba wan 😀

Thanks for the friends who helped!
Nice battle everyone. Have fun. o7


Ksveh losser

Kaveh return the loans


i still dont see kaveh returning loans