The War Cry

The article 13

Publicat in Bulgaria - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 29 Mar 2019 07:39 - 10


LordMarlockDrethJadelyDraganRikiKingsman24nodaz99HellBoychorrillanoNIKOLA257NIKOLA257NIKOLA257NIKOLA257NIKOLA257AlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraAlexandraHITTThe Last JediSuperChavinHatsune MikukkkkM4gnusVELIKIHidorionHITTShadowman83MermestesLaelifarshid2500GravediggerGravediggerM4gnusVELIKIreferentdragica1TheOldMan67DavidpyYenaTankiTankiTugaWolfDejanHidorionRedWolf77datisAJ3rat1234

Comentarii (10)

But we left BG when it was the strongest country in the game :thinking:
Losa propaganda coveka koji je 3x aplicirao za clanstvo u OFCu i sva tri puta odbijen Smile)
tesko da sam ikad apliciro za ofc Smile Al ne brini djurdjo ima jos takvih veleizdajnika ko sto si ti nisi sam Smile
Wolf talking for the best MU in the eWorld 24/7. Nothing new Laugh
2000 years later there will still be case studies about this article trying to figure out the logic behind it, the new voynich manu was born here people, take pictures so you can sell on ebay
Ako ti tako kazes verujem ti Laugh
Koja je tvoja opsesija sa nama? Definitivno nije zdrava ni po tebe, ni po nas, ali se barem dobro ismijemo na tvoj racun