Publicat in Bulgaria - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 26 Mar 2019 15:14 - 46

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
After the rest we all took during the global NAP, TNT is back in the game for some action. We have few announcements to make, so sit well, grab something to drink and let’s go.

Supreme Commander – Kaveh
Vice Supreme Commander – Alexander95
Military Commander – Safer
Military Assistants – Asmin, ktab, MikaelaShiffrinFan , Salah
Commander of TNT Special Forces - CemiSRB
Secretary of Foreign Affairs – Otis Redding
Secretary of Public Relations – danider
Treasurer - Duque de Santangelo
Honorary Member of HQ - Zakk Bloodworth, DrethGar

Best Regards,
Secretary of Public Relations of TNT,
Fuck this gameDrethSafernodaz99Harisharkokkkkst elmo fireAinz Ooal GownAinz Ooal GownJ4FunHasHisHiNilsonTitzianoAustinPKAlcekApullumApullumkubilayhanMenekseDaarioNahariHan SoloNamelessNamelessAlexFranNimesinkkkkJadelyPabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePableteNimesinHidorionGovernadorCraaksCraaksGalaxy1kkkkdazo26HellBoyHellBoyNIKOLA257MermestesGravediggerreferentdragica1TheOldMan67DavidpyTankiTugaWolfComentarii (46)

Brotherhood of Steel o7


v for vi


Never respected OFC before even though you hired them in previous games with the same motive? k--
as for the hacking look at your MAs for a lead.


condemning hacking yet putting the person behind it in your HQ lol

you are in advantage bc Brazil declared neutrality!

LOLOLOLOL ya mejor les regalamos el server. Es como ver un Francia va Islas Feroe 👀

Rip erev2

and then spicks in comments double negative

no georgia no party

One alliance to rules them all

TNT no longer has opposition and you still keep together and add another country?
RIP erev2 

TNT just add countries, where is other alliance?

Omg, hacker pls hack TNT... oh wait. U there already?

TNT main objective is to turn game into a croatian farmville, lets go you can do it

TNT son this server, they death all countries. So..... GGWP! Play alone dudes.... If you want our country, take it! It s yours 👀

lol, you wont stop till you get 90% total game firepower, right. Pathetic^2

Ako je neka MU placenik onda nebi trebali da se bave politikom nego samo lovom na klijente ko više plati tuj i pucaj?
A ovde izgleda kontra toga 

who is the enemy of TNT again?


New HQ? I see the same since beginning of the game
. + Still recruiting countries in TNT? You already have 70% of active countries in your alliance. You will fight against who if everybody is in TNT 

hail paraguay


Hail Brotherhood, this game is yours 

Why more countries? 

Suck my Dick TNT 

TNT lost 3 countries and got 1 instead. If you worked as hard as you cry you would have formed a counter alliance same or even stronger. But of course crying is easier


Finally, balance

Mexico, yall bunch of p*ssies

@ktab LOL, what chance of counter TNT? you already surpassed 60% global firepower, restricted visa use, have mercenary neutrality and even have hackers in your side. There s no chance to win at all, don t be pussy and realize that you and your ppl is killing the game.
And i used to respect USA, so i don t think im biased.

who is the enemy now? *popcorn time*

Isaak, nope, not by any means. TNT is strong but not invincible. All it takes is to work and form a proper alliance. Or even 2 but it needs work. AeonFluX shhh. you just don t like USA enough, remember?

lel, are there any country left to counter TNT? Even Spain and Georgia are on your side, and mercenary land is neutral, which is still on your side as you have the gold to buy them. I was just asking, who is the enemy now? You just need to answer.

But.. but.. you do not like USA enough isn t that so? You want the game changed but you want it ala carte. So tell us aeon, what countries do you like so we force them to be your allies.


Paraguay became a puppet!