Publicat in Brazil - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 22 Jan 2019 16:12 - 32


NieltonJorgeGaming23Ready Too DieNebadinPassiraComentarii (32)

lol XD pole


No entender


Seems legit and I like it. I will play.

20 countries? wut

No ace, 21 


You should know how it goes... Atro for presidency 🤣🤣🤣



without OFC you are nothing 

I remember when OFC was out of Brazil
And we knock down all the bonuses of Bulgaria (weeping Losers)
Add more countries to your alliance

Rdhioligan i can say the same to Bulgaria jajajaja

Gil,no one s weeping,believe me,we play for fun,not for some megalomaniac goals like you are apparently.I guess you do have to try and conquer that inferiority complex you seem to have.What is your country?30 % merceneries,30 % foreign players,30 % Celio s wallet and 10 % brazillians(probably) and a 100 % trying to poach players from other countries(like your CP at the time tried to poach me and my MU a few months ago with slim to none diplomacy). Just play your game,stop being a dick and don t trash on people for making a damn alliance,jessus..

Guess he s salty that everybody hates him, so the only allies they get hit for 0.1% of their dmg (yes... Georgia

How easy you have put it @Boikov - USA is 30% Diesel and 70% foreign players and mercenaries and Bulgaria is 99% Espor, Picaroon and itso..................................... Bulgarians, what happened to them
to be so upset with Brazil? I only see bulgaros rabid in that article.

As time as Celio and @ make Admin rich no one conquer Brazil lol.
Brazil without RL money ingame is like Iran/Turkey rofl

you see us on the article because you are calling us out with your article for god knows what.Don t know about other countries,but we atleast count on our own native players.Go check the statistics.Espor,Picaroon and Itso are all great fighters,but all of them combined have twice less damage than Celio in the last fight.We have a steady flow of new players that we work hard to get that fight in the battles and make the game more fun(you can see the statistics how many players have fought from bulgaria),without having to use the Visa to win every single time.So,no.Bulgaria isn t 99% Espor,Picaroon and Itso,but Brazil for sure is counting on Celio to win everything for them.If that s your strategy - that s fine,it s leggit,but don t be salty when people organize themselves into an alliance.If you were a bit more diplomatical people might like you to and might like to be in an alliance with you as well.

Brasileños llorando, que novedad.

xa xa xa

ok no prob o7


Já tá chorando? Mal foi lançado o artigo e já está chorando? Só pagar a OFC que tudo se resolve 😙

maybe brazil should ask himshelf why 20 countries want them conquered

Maybe Brazil should ask themselves why 20 countries want them conquered x2

Brazil?! If Celio dont gives thousand of dolars for the game monthly you will cant win 1 battle. georgian puppet o7

risk factions was a cool game though 

Kkkkk tudo chorões nos comentários, chupem a manga