A Voice in the Darkness

Publicat in Croatia - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 19 Jan 2019 15:35 - 24



AdminNemetonBatko BatistutaNebra007ShisuiDreamkiller1514OpssyenWiperbh

Comentarii (24)

CRO BIH BG USA SER MEX ESP SA - ok. Cya in afterlife
And ROM. K gl
I dont understand Russian, is there English version?
No, only Russian
Polar pedeju o7 😂
please use google translate
cop out and some weak shit
Idemo dalje!
@Brisleain coming for you!
How to be a coward 1-0-1 : put 4 of the top 5 countries in the same alliance.
Nema labavo više o7
I krv svoji za brigadu moji! Hail HV! Hail Croatia! Hail friends of Croatia o7 Some countries did showed us in these 100 days that they are our true friends and that we can coun t on them. You guys were by us when we were weaker, and I m glad we ll fight together in future.
http://prntscr.com/m9hoyv Samo sto je VV bio vise izbalansiran
http://prntscr.com/m9hqi9 little Bris Wall Laugh
uhmmm english version ? xd
Fikme, in short, ur screw. d Cheeky
evo vec poceli ovi da kukaju a ni savez savez nije napravljen ahahah Hail CROATIA o/
Da mi je neko ovo pricao da ce se dogoditi tukao bih ga s uzvicima *idi bre pa se leci*