Publicat in Saudi Arabia - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 08 Jan 2019 11:34 - 21

-Sir Ainz i am PomamA Captain of Brotherhood of Steel and i am here on orders of my commander to escort you to his harem.

I ordered my guys to lower weapons and get in vehicles so we can follow young captain. After few hours we finally started to see city before us, PomamA who was with me in car explained to me that commander of BoS dont live in city because screams which comes from his harem dont let regular citizens sleeps at night. Half hours later we arrived in front of castle with high walls, BoS members was everywhere armed till teeth and i saw on every tower per AA gun to make sure no one disturb nigh entertainment of their Lord. We entered palace.
Gold.Status.Power.Military strength and beautiful womens. Anyone who entered this palace could sense and see this so me and my escort continued to main hall.
-Harisharko: Gde si bolan Ainz sunce ti poljubim nisam te video sto godina.
-Ainz: Evo me brate Harise dosao na te cevape sto si zvao :D

My welcoming party started with a lot of drinks and food and girls and Haris started to present me his slaves i mean cabinet of Saudi Arabia first was their current President ( read puppet )

-Ainz: Gde si Salahudine protuvo stara - i said till we hug- Sta ima?
-Salah: Ooooo Ainz evo me brate vodim racuna da ovaj Haris ne potrosi sve na alkohol i zene nikad mu dosta...

CypherLord BeerusLord Beeruspetros2rz88MuffinGod RaGod RaGod RaGod RaGod RaGod RaNarlindirRikiMr IIHarisharkoHarisharkoHarisharkoHarisharkoHarisharkoHarisharkoHarisharkoComentarii (21)

Harisharko eating diet, chrono food. Full support!

vidi mu glave
Pravna Saudiska 


Previse njabova na jednom mjestu

o7 nice start

Niceeeee :p o7

Sve moj do mojega

cevapi i nada mas

nice work o7

nice work o7


Elita iz Pustinje haha

hello gays 

haha o7

Bem te u duoe gdje sam ja

Doun Joun Courleoun, ti si ocitou u doupetou

Negdje tamo u sredini pustinje nalazi se i Don Juan Corleone koji je tokom posjete uvaženog Ainza bio malo prezauzet guženjem muške deve

Like for the sandstorm haha

Nema mene ,nema podrške.