Publicat in United States of America - Analiza de razboi - 01 Jan 2019 16:30 - 22
I made simple damage calculator for Google Chrome users. It's extension. You can go to Google store
and download it for free. If you like it feel free to use it. You can support me with small donation if you'd like.
EDIT: Since many of you asked for firefox addon here you go: Mozzila addons
It works on your or other peoples profiles.
Subscribe for updates and future projects :D
and download it for free. If you like it feel free to use it. You can support me with small donation if you'd like.
EDIT: Since many of you asked for firefox addon here you go: Mozzila addons

It works on your or other peoples profiles.
Subscribe for updates and future projects :D
Ragn0RadovljeRadovljeDieselNebadinTripleKolaGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoGuepoDreamkiller1514ChuliganasdaniderSaSoldierSaSoldierSaSoldierD 28D 28D 28jedimindtrickJorgeGaming23MermestesLordMarlockDamaChenAlexander95JccPComentarii (22)

Good Job bro, bravo.

GJ tho, thanks for sharing

wow! Good bro


Very good job ! keep up the good work

good job dude

genial! gracias!


Good job mate o/

Nice job o7

Well done o7

Esto no me quita mi oro verdad. Espia?



Firefox/greasemonkey? x2

Firefox/greasemonkey? x3

Ty for support guys
And updated with Firefox version


many thnx for the firefox update! 

