Publicat in United States of America - Analiza de razboi - 23 Dec 2018 10:13 - 14

Polyarnyy MedvedDreamkiller1514Comentarii (14)

Hail DF o7 Hail USA o7

I dont have a price 

✪ Loaded with US quality ✪

Hail DF ! Hail USA

delta force Visa division*

✪ Loaded with US quality ✪

I join un visa división?

✪ Loaded with VISA cards ✪


I hope they will receive what is promised ... since I didn t back in time.

Hail DF ! Hail USA

We do not take prisoners.

join the division and watch diesel win battles on his own with his credit card

o7 , njab squad 2 stronk for the enemy