Publicat in United States of America - Analiza de razboi - 30 Nov 2018 12:51 - 20
They insulted the greatest Bulgarian national hero of all time, Vasil Levski.
The hero gave his life for Bulgaria was wounded with unforgivable words from Spain.
Then soldiers were gathered from every corner of the country, ready to defend the honor of the Apostle, and to prove to the world that although we are a small country, there are people with great hearts.
Commanders led their elite soldiers to the Spanish capital.

For three days our soldiers have been long for blood.
They were not afraid of heat, thirst, no labor.
In their eyes were a flame, in the hearts thirst for must.
Finally the battle began ...
Rifle rang out. Hispanics roar,
they fall and fall, and the dead; -
Come as tigers, run as sheeps
and return again; Bulgarians-Eagles !!!

The Spaniards were defeated and their capital with Hospital Q5 and Defensive System Q5 burned to the ground.

The hero gave his life for Bulgaria was wounded with unforgivable words from Spain.

Commanders led their elite soldiers to the Spanish capital.

They were not afraid of heat, thirst, no labor.
In their eyes were a flame, in the hearts thirst for must.
Finally the battle began ...
they fall and fall, and the dead; -
Come as tigers, run as sheeps
and return again; Bulgarians-Eagles !!!

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Napkins in the air! Party hard at disco Biad, Sofia xD..after some cocktails in Memento.

Hail Bulgaria o7 Madrid now belongs to Pantheon in honor of Vasil Levski o7

Hail USAvBulgaria o7

ohhh thats better ; ) , translated it , well fought overpowered friends o7

i think we need to stop with RL shit because this is the game

Nice. México is top 3

I wish that you enjoy working in USA @Fikip

i really do guepo ; ) , 100% on weapons is all i need 

OFC o7 ,Hail Bulgaria


mm... XD

A ese heroe no lo conocen ni en su casa, y en realidad no ha sido Bulgaria la que ha tomado nada, sino un montón de resentidos que nos tienen manía por las palizas que se llevan en otro juego.

E ya


@UnaGrandeLibre, if you were someone, you wouldn t hide behind a multi s name. Second, if you were a man, you would say it in English. Third, it s Spanish people s choice to stop or continue insulting our greatest hero. All debts will be paid, no problem.

@Danider «Hablo latín con Dios, italiano con los músicos, castellano con las damas, francés en la corte, alemán con los lacayos e inglés con mis caballos». Are u a horse?

I am the new leader of Spain.

No hay ningún problema en eso, si algo ha caracterizado siempre a España es tener unos lideres lamentables.