Publicat in Brazil - Analiza de razboi - 02 Nov 2018 09:11 - 20
Inventory Damage Calculator, a tool of eRev2Tools (, has been launched so that players can just type ID and copy and paste inventory straight from the game to the tool and it will calculate your amount of possible damage you can inflict ingame based on your energy, energy bars, weapons and missiles.
Below you can see a step by step process on how to do it:
1) Go to your Storage page ingame, select all your items and CTRL+C.

2) Go to eRev2Tools ( and click on Tools / Inventory Damage Calculator.

3) Type your ID, paste your storage on the Inventory text field and select Natural Enemy, Defense System, Field Hospital and House as appropriate to your analysis. Click Calculate button when you are done.

4) The system will calculate your max energy considering you have 2 full energy bars, your field hospitals and houses. It will also display all your weapons and damage. If you have more energy then weapons, it will display your max damage considering highest damage weapon in red (you should buy this amount of weapon in order to consume all your energy). Missiles damage will also be displayed by the end of the screen.

I hope you enjoy this tool. Should you have any suggestion in terms of tools improvement, leave your comment down below and I will consider it for next future versions.
Have good fight!
Below you can see a step by step process on how to do it:
1) Go to your Storage page ingame, select all your items and CTRL+C.

2) Go to eRev2Tools ( and click on Tools / Inventory Damage Calculator.

3) Type your ID, paste your storage on the Inventory text field and select Natural Enemy, Defense System, Field Hospital and House as appropriate to your analysis. Click Calculate button when you are done.

4) The system will calculate your max energy considering you have 2 full energy bars, your field hospitals and houses. It will also display all your weapons and damage. If you have more energy then weapons, it will display your max damage considering highest damage weapon in red (you should buy this amount of weapon in order to consume all your energy). Missiles damage will also be displayed by the end of the screen.

I hope you enjoy this tool. Should you have any suggestion in terms of tools improvement, leave your comment down below and I will consider it for next future versions.
Have good fight!
djurdjoLordMarlockpetros2SaSoldierGaladraelComentarii (20)

Mr Gabiru the hero we need, but do not deserve. Great job o7


Nice o7

Show mano

Companheiro, bom trabalho


great stuff vs


Good tool. o7 You and Yoda doing good work.

o7 (Nice Job!)

Very nice! o7

bom trabalho, s43


Great job. Thanks!

o7 thanks

v+s. Well done


good job.
you should add country hospital