The Observer

게시 위치 Georgia - 정책 토론 및 분석 - 24 Oct 2018 05:36 - 18


SaferDadyDB I T E RDamaChen

댓글 (18)

amazing article ! o7
s305, in exchange bring me a kebab o7
Voted Georgian Brother. 4S4
I understand you about Turkey, but it s shame help to Panteon against NL
Finally you ve came to your senses and realized that kebab is not ur friend
Remove kebab
Nice css o7
Share some kebab :sad: o7
Kill kebab o7
Finally !! remove kebab ! o7 nice article
LordMarlock +1
phanteon? its pantheon
Coward guys 2 alliance coming 1 vs 1 come baby just izi izi
Spartacus read reasons
i dont need read. I know everything
Yeah, everything except English grammar. It s time for greedy roaches to die.