게시 위치 United States of America - 정책 토론 및 분석 - 19 Oct 2022 12:06 - 12

Hello Guys!!
i dont know if you already noticed it,
but right now seems like a balanced world, we have ocuppied similar number of regions.

Lets watch the numbers.

1.- USA 67
2.- Serbia 55
3.- Bulgaria 40
4.- Peru 36
5.- China 34

I have never seen this before, so balanced in territory occupied.
So this is a balanced world.
Who will break this balance?
Lets wait for the next admins Champ =)



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All those countries and only SA holds 100% WEP bonus. Hail SA I agree with that xD
No porn = shit article ( as Govedo used to say )
hail SA
and who have 100% wep xD
Hail SA 100 %wep bonus
Someone does not know math !!! USA 67+Bulgaria 40+Peru 36=143 Serbia 55+China 34=89. This is not a fucking balance, the balance is 143+89=232/2=116, so the balance is one side 116 regions and the other 116!!!!
We need more active country, so JOIN JAPAN, JOIN NOW !!!
Mexicans will tell everything what Boby the admin want. This article is for their people, guys with lower level of conscience. Ayyyyy
haha i was talking about countries not alliances =P @Coasss i proposed something to u guys and u refused it, so dont complain now =P
I though SA was with Serbia China since you guys dont fight each other, and of course SA has 100% bonus weapon, because randomly, not fixed the admin put the bonus in one place haha not weird at all
@Coasss ... Primer has learned math from Itso thats why Laugh
cool o7