게시 위치 Saudi Arabia - 정책 토론 및 분석 - 12 Jun 2022 04:34 - 5
Ne da mi Đavo mira, morao sam ponovo pisati.
I wrote whole article this morning , and it didnt worked for some reason, so i have to write it again.
Easier in article because at comment section there is no "Special characters"
So lets begin.
I like the article, mostly becouse of its honesty and thruth, something i didnt find in asmin articles.
I am always trying to speak truth, but I am positive that Asmin speaks truth in his articles also.
I would just like to express my opinion on few things: https://prnt.sc/SMSa_ykDL653 Not true in total, you do have fire power, we know its not a big one, around 200-300b but instead of it or with fire power, you could offer help in tactics, rws, planing, talks with us, how to do it and when, but you didnt and i didnt had that from you.
This is not true. We spent decent time on discord where I was available to you for battles.(Now you are blocked there) I even gave you my private number so you can contact me via Viber when I was not online. Or you forgot that quickly?(Blocked there as well) In my opinion ,that way I offered my istance, its other thing that you thought things would go differently.
Even in situation when Peru was in whole India and they had conection with you, did SA talk with us how to solve that problem? No it didnt, China and Serbia solved Peru issue by themselves.
Also not true. At that time ,Bulgari hold China and Russia, and Peru was in India. SA best player and master tactician Bosnia Soldier asked for Chinese cs , get it , and with our help and resources we started that. Later Moonshadow asked for cs to help it . Others joined too. When China was set free , our men went to India to keep it free. And he still is there. So you see , SA was first there to set China free , and you see your irony in giving Indian regions to SA for exchange territories in Egypt. All that because you worked behind our backs. But we will come to that.
https://prnt.sc/YufWbrK6Pz0v Tell me, what would happen with Saudia Arabia if she had Serbia, Romania and China in her direct war against Macedonia, where USA, Peru, Mexico and Bulgaria would shoot for Macedonia? I think it would be an interesting war and i think i would even help you, but now, after everthing, i just dont care any more
We would loose. With Mexico on their side , damage is heavily on their side. I think it would not be interesting ,since it would be one sided war. You think you would help us? Allies don't think should they or not , they do.(help).
About bonuses, tax and tax refund. Its true our taxes are risen now, even more after 3x100 and yes, most of it comes from our players, but after all citizens of Serbia done in the past they deserved to produce in their own country and not move anywhere, so if you want to come and shoot in our rws and take down regions with bonuses, ok, do it. Now we have tax income around 22k cc, when Peru takes 2x100 i think our income will be around 15k, more then enough for tax refund, laws and attacks and to make a small war fund.
I will shoot as I said and I keep my word. You planed war with us to go other way , but we are not obligated to follow that rules. Now we go for "guerilla" warfare. About tax income, we will see how that goes in future. ;)
https://prnt.sc/4k5SAA5G6r3L Honestly, i have been following this sentece for the past three months, i am glad that you leared what i have learned in this 1.5 years i play activly this game.
Problem is that I thought we don't need that. But after backstabbing , it comes to my head. Good though its on game.
About hystorical regions in Egypt. Corect me if i am wrong, but there is not such thing as hystorical regions. If i remmember coreclty, Macedonia had Egypt and Israel i think around six months ago or maybe nine months and they hold it for a very long. They only left thoose regions becouse they took the one in Italy from Serbia and becouse of bonues in thoose region. If Serbia didnt alow regions in Italy, Macedonia would still have Egypt and Israel, so now question can be asked were Egypt and Israel yours or maybe they actual belong to Serbia.
After this 1300+ days in this server , SA hold Egypt for like 1000 days , while Fyrom like 300. Of course that's not exact numbers but it explains time and word historical is good to explain that fact.
How Fyrom got Egypt from SA? They released it via rw and attacked directly.
Why we don't do the same? We tried but they are stronger and they outdamaged us in battles.
Did we seek help for those battles? No.
How SA returned Egypt? Admin resets map ,and since SA is much closer to Egypt we took it before.
Why didn't Fyrom took Egypt from SA directly? Because we had strong mpp-s so they didn't gambled on that.
https://prnt.sc/4XdvZJdGOJ5e The end goal from the start i started making NAP was this, delay deletion of Serbia, China, Saudia Arabia and Romania from map in the days after the new change of resourses. The NAP allowed that and postpone that outcome for probably three more months. Your war with Macedonia should be war where we would defend you and shoot for you and for that time Romania, Serbia and China would make stocks and prepare for next war war where we would probably be deleted. You need to understand that they now have Mexico and Peru, where they can shoot in one time zone and USA, Bulgaria and Macedonia in other time zone. If their side makes good plan, nobody could defend from that
This is just your explaining and in your opinion justifying NAP which I will give my opinion in section after this commentary.
You were given a role from me, and point of that role was that you help in postponing our deletion from the map and help us make stock and plans for next conflict, but neither Romania saw the big picture nor Saudia Arabia and when i say Saudia Arabia i mean you, radodovlje and great. Time will tell if i was right or wrong, but i play this game for a long time and i know how who playes and what their side has and what our side has and make prediction based on that its not hard
I know that we had role in your plans and that was selling our territories so your country can save their dignity with fragile bonus. Also will be explained in section after commentary.
Either way, like i said before, i will wait for my mandat to end and i will not go for cp any more, ever, and i will retreat from politics and diplomacy. New cp wiill have duties to make new MPPs and alliances and plans, he and his new govermant. What i wanted i achived with my people, more then enough from me and i make this game live a bit more. Looking forward to hear your opinion on what i wrote
Now I will give my opinion in next lines.
First alarm for seeing that something is wrong should be when Mexico went neutral and later on other side. They had reasons and now I understand that it was justified after so many articles.
What you should do is to make relations better with them , make things right , hear their problems perhaps try to make them at least to stay neutral.
But what you did?
First mistake.
You wanted to teach them lesson and to delete them. Doing this ,you pushed them to other side so heavily without any concern for others and what consequences it could have.
After bitter end of wars and not succeeding in your thoughts , because damage is heavily on their side, you want to end things and start seeking way for that.
Second mistake
You do that behind your allies backs. This one is huge. It shows how you think that rest of us are only pawns in your head and later we will see SACRIFICIAL Pawns for little bonuses for Selfish Serbia. Serbia was not like that before and I can guarantee that once you loose someone trust, you ll never get it back.
Third mistake.
Same like before with Mexico, now you want to teach SA a lesson. Plan is to make peace agreement with every opponent side for any cost just to keep bonuses and open a new front so far away from Serbia so you can keep little bonuses. You counted on our patriotic feelings and after we are drain that we will beg you for help and so you come like Savior.
Now lets sum it up what you did in your mandate.
Lost 2 allies (Mexico and SA)
Drained your country with wars . And here I mean on patriotic players , farmers will leave anyway to other place after you became unstable with bonuses.
From OP country that was before , which hold for honor ,friendship even a brotherhood ; well GJ I doubt any player thinks that for you.
What Serbia should do in next period?
In my opinion Serbia needs to find new allies in Fyrom and on next front they need to make things better with Romania or to ally with Bulgaria.
One thing is for sure , Dominance in bonuses ,tax , market , damage and players , well Time will tell.
Edit on Day 1346 at 04.42 erev2 time:
I just want to point out one more thing, I dont see you (StevanG) as only guilty guy for this. In my eyes all other our so called "friends" from eSerbia (Cos, Moonshadow, otis, d_28,......) , keep their eyes shut down for all this .
I wrote whole article this morning , and it didnt worked for some reason, so i have to write it again.
Easier in article because at comment section there is no "Special characters"
So lets begin.

How Fyrom got Egypt from SA? They released it via rw and attacked directly.
Why we don't do the same? We tried but they are stronger and they outdamaged us in battles.
Did we seek help for those battles? No.
How SA returned Egypt? Admin resets map ,and since SA is much closer to Egypt we took it before.
Why didn't Fyrom took Egypt from SA directly? Because we had strong mpp-s so they didn't gambled on that.

First alarm for seeing that something is wrong should be when Mexico went neutral and later on other side. They had reasons and now I understand that it was justified after so many articles.
What you should do is to make relations better with them , make things right , hear their problems perhaps try to make them at least to stay neutral.
But what you did?
First mistake.
You wanted to teach them lesson and to delete them. Doing this ,you pushed them to other side so heavily without any concern for others and what consequences it could have.
After bitter end of wars and not succeeding in your thoughts , because damage is heavily on their side, you want to end things and start seeking way for that.
Second mistake
You do that behind your allies backs. This one is huge. It shows how you think that rest of us are only pawns in your head and later we will see SACRIFICIAL Pawns for little bonuses for Selfish Serbia. Serbia was not like that before and I can guarantee that once you loose someone trust, you ll never get it back.
Third mistake.
Same like before with Mexico, now you want to teach SA a lesson. Plan is to make peace agreement with every opponent side for any cost just to keep bonuses and open a new front so far away from Serbia so you can keep little bonuses. You counted on our patriotic feelings and after we are drain that we will beg you for help and so you come like Savior.
Now lets sum it up what you did in your mandate.
Lost 2 allies (Mexico and SA)
Drained your country with wars . And here I mean on patriotic players , farmers will leave anyway to other place after you became unstable with bonuses.
From OP country that was before , which hold for honor ,friendship even a brotherhood ; well GJ I doubt any player thinks that for you.
What Serbia should do in next period?
In my opinion Serbia needs to find new allies in Fyrom and on next front they need to make things better with Romania or to ally with Bulgaria.
One thing is for sure , Dominance in bonuses ,tax , market , damage and players , well Time will tell.
Edit on Day 1346 at 04.42 erev2 time:
I just want to point out one more thing, I dont see you (StevanG) as only guilty guy for this. In my eyes all other our so called "friends" from eSerbia (Cos, Moonshadow, otis, d_28,......) , keep their eyes shut down for all this .
JomiabeJomiabeJomiabe댓글 (5)

Ouch… - You wanted to teach them lesson and - he got shot in the butt (en español: le salió el tiro por la culata ☹️) and now that? Phase: 13,579 defend to the death at any cost and then give up? 😥

Amazing point of view, but we know that stevang going to denied everything and say: im the best cp.
Glad players arent stupid as the ones that follow stevang blindly.
Im starting to like ur articles and ur way to write

True, no one Serbian politician said something about StevanG deals

Because they dont know whats going on or they had figured out in the way

What is the problem that Peru invades India if it was its former colony