게시 위치 Saudi Arabia - 정책 토론 및 분석 - 11 Jun 2022 06:53 - 17
Hello guys ,
Since this week happened to be a tectonical change in worldwide diplomacy between countries , I want to express my opinions about it and thoughts.
If I do not speak that would mean I agree what other people say, and that can be true or not, somebody can liked it or not but its my opinion and others should respecet it.
Since I play this game I remmember that SA and SRB were allies. How it come to be , I dont know. I started to play in eBosnia and HarisHarko invited me to Saudia and long journey started. We were strong nation. So many players and lets not forgot all that money Haris spent on his Visa.
Such a big impact on game we had. Alliances have risen and fallen , countries were becoming empires with hundreds of regions and they have fallen to history with their citizens either fled to another countries or banned. I remmember that Otis or Co said in once report that its finally nice to play without fear of being backstabed in back by ally nation. As I remmember it was after Bulgaria led by Better look around player have been betrayed them.
Today ,SA dont have firepower like before. Not even by close. Haris is banned , and most of others players went to another countries. Only few of us remained. And its fact. Hovewer its a fact that every nation has suffered same problem. Top countries like Bulgaria , Georgia,Croatia , France also lost a huge amount of comunity. We can say its bad politics , or admin doing or whatsoever but its true.
What I am proud of is that as long as I play this game , SA will not extinguish from erev2 history like so many others countries.
On day 1340 eSerbia sold SA hystorical regions at Egypt to Fyrom. I was surprised when I read it. I didnt want to react on first , but then I read all those articles from Stevan and Asmin about Serbians teaching SA a lesson so they ll "let " Fyrom on us.
Plan is to send stronger country to drain us to dry so that we can kneel and beg for their mighty help. Also their goal is to secure bonuses so they can replenish their stocks for another resources change.
Now it may surprise you , but I think that I understand Stevan behaviour completely. Beign cp holds responsibility , being cp of imperialistic country is a huge pressure. Too many expectations , too many things to care. I think that he litterally just burned down after few months. So he needed rest, and after bitter results on field and spending so much resources and time without any succes , his ego found salvation burning smaller comunity.
So country that was backstabed so many times by allies before, now do same to ally that didnt do to her . And its ok. Real reason is lack of SA firepower.
While we were strong and some of us spending money for battles, we were allies.
SA will probably get deleted but thats not a bad thing at all. Without territories we will focus to hit Serbia where it hurts. Bonuses. Serbia is only overpowered country because a huge tax import from other players that leave and work there. There is tax refund on few places but dont be misjudged. Without any opened our battle, all our focus will be on rare regions to crush Serbia full bonuses. I presume that other players that are in Serbia only for bonuses will leave soon to USA or any other country that offer better conditions.
In the end I do learned a valuable lesson. Never allow yourself to be weak and to relay on others. Only when you are mighty , you ll have friends.
Also to all players I want to send a message that pixels are not important on map, dont loose mental health over game.

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Since this week happened to be a tectonical change in worldwide diplomacy between countries , I want to express my opinions about it and thoughts.
If I do not speak that would mean I agree what other people say, and that can be true or not, somebody can liked it or not but its my opinion and others should respecet it.
Since I play this game I remmember that SA and SRB were allies. How it come to be , I dont know. I started to play in eBosnia and HarisHarko invited me to Saudia and long journey started. We were strong nation. So many players and lets not forgot all that money Haris spent on his Visa.
Such a big impact on game we had. Alliances have risen and fallen , countries were becoming empires with hundreds of regions and they have fallen to history with their citizens either fled to another countries or banned. I remmember that Otis or Co said in once report that its finally nice to play without fear of being backstabed in back by ally nation. As I remmember it was after Bulgaria led by Better look around player have been betrayed them.
Today ,SA dont have firepower like before. Not even by close. Haris is banned , and most of others players went to another countries. Only few of us remained. And its fact. Hovewer its a fact that every nation has suffered same problem. Top countries like Bulgaria , Georgia,Croatia , France also lost a huge amount of comunity. We can say its bad politics , or admin doing or whatsoever but its true.
What I am proud of is that as long as I play this game , SA will not extinguish from erev2 history like so many others countries.
On day 1340 eSerbia sold SA hystorical regions at Egypt to Fyrom. I was surprised when I read it. I didnt want to react on first , but then I read all those articles from Stevan and Asmin about Serbians teaching SA a lesson so they ll "let " Fyrom on us.
Plan is to send stronger country to drain us to dry so that we can kneel and beg for their mighty help. Also their goal is to secure bonuses so they can replenish their stocks for another resources change.
Now it may surprise you , but I think that I understand Stevan behaviour completely. Beign cp holds responsibility , being cp of imperialistic country is a huge pressure. Too many expectations , too many things to care. I think that he litterally just burned down after few months. So he needed rest, and after bitter results on field and spending so much resources and time without any succes , his ego found salvation burning smaller comunity.
So country that was backstabed so many times by allies before, now do same to ally that didnt do to her . And its ok. Real reason is lack of SA firepower.
While we were strong and some of us spending money for battles, we were allies.
SA will probably get deleted but thats not a bad thing at all. Without territories we will focus to hit Serbia where it hurts. Bonuses. Serbia is only overpowered country because a huge tax import from other players that leave and work there. There is tax refund on few places but dont be misjudged. Without any opened our battle, all our focus will be on rare regions to crush Serbia full bonuses. I presume that other players that are in Serbia only for bonuses will leave soon to USA or any other country that offer better conditions.
- You wanted war between SA and Fyrom. It will not happen , atleast not in big draining scale for us.You wanted bonuses and restock of storage. Whole our objective will only be to raise and tank in your rare regions in last minutes.You wanted Serbia to be strongest country. That will not be case in future.
In the end I do learned a valuable lesson. Never allow yourself to be weak and to relay on others. Only when you are mighty , you ll have friends.
Also to all players I want to send a message that pixels are not important on map, dont loose mental health over game.

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Tyrants NemesisSPIRIT OF DEATHStevanGStevanGStevanGStevanGStevanGStevanGLi LiJomiabeJomiabeJomiabe댓글 (17)

For such tense article , one picture was not enough 

Ne razumem ENG.

I like the article, mostly becouse of its honesty and thruth, something i didnt find in asmin articles. I would just like to express my opinion on few things:
https://prnt.sc/SMSa_ykDL653 Not true in total, you do have fire power, we know its not a big one, around 200-300b but instead of it or with fire power, you could offer help in tactics, rws, planing, talks with us, how to do it and when, but you didnt and i didnt had that from you. Even in situation when Peru was in whole India and they had conection with you, did SA talk with us how to solve that problem? No it didnt, China and Serbia solved Peru issue by themselves. https://prnt.sc/YufWbrK6Pz0v Tell me, what would happen with Saudia Arabia if she had Serbia, Romania and China in her direct war against Macedonia, where USA, Peru, Mexico and Bulgaria would shoot for Macedonia? I think it would be an interesting war and i think i would even help you, but now, after everthing, i just dont care any more.
About bonuses, tax and tax refund. Its true our taxes are risen now, even more after 3x100 and yes, most of it comes from our players, but after all citizens of Serbia done in the past they deserved to produce in their own country and not move anywhere, so if you want to come and shoot in our rws and take down regions with bonuses, ok, do it. Now we have tax income around 22k cc, when Peru takes 2x100 i think our income will be around 15k, more then enough for tax refund, laws and attacks and to make a small war fund. https://prnt.sc/4k5SAA5G6r3L Honestly, i have been following this sentece for the past three months, i am glad that you leared what i have learned in this 1.5 years i play activly this game.

About hystorical regions in Egypt. Corect me if i am wrong, but there is not such thing as hystorical regions. If i remmember coreclty, Macedonia had Egypt and Israel i think around six months ago or maybe nine months and they hold it for a very long. They only left thoose regions becouse they took the one in Italy from Serbia and becouse of bonues in thoose region. If Serbia didnt alow regions in Italy, Macedonia would still have Egypt and Israel, so now question can be asked were Egypt and Israel yours or maybe they actual belong to Serbia.

https://prnt.sc/4XdvZJdGOJ5e The end goal from the start i started making NAP was this, delay deletion of Serbia, China, Saudia Arabia and Romania from map in the days after the new change of resourses. The NAP allowed that and postpone that outcome for probably three more months. Your war with Macedonia should be war where we would defend you and shoot for you and for that time Romania, Serbia and China would make stocks and prepare for next war war where we would probably be deleted. You need to understand that they now have Mexico and Peru, where they can shoot in one time zone and USA, Bulgaria and Macedonia in other time zone. If their side makes good plan, nobody could defend from that

You were given a role from me, and point of that role was that you help in postponing our deletion from the map and help us make stock and plans for next conflict, but neither Romania saw the big picture nor Saudia Arabia and when i say Saudia Arabia i mean you, radodovlje and great. Time will tell if i was right or wrong, but i play this game for a long time and i know how who playes and what their side has and what our side has and make prediction based on that its not hard

Either way, like i said before, i will wait for my mandat to end and i will not go for cp any more, ever, and i will retreat from politics and diplomacy. New cp wiill have duties to make new MPPs and alliances and plans, he and his new govermant. What i wanted i achived with my people, more then enough from me and i make this game live a bit more. Looking forward to hear your opinion on what i wrote

Good article, is what mostly we think but sometimes it’s difficult to express they way u did, if u need help, mexico is willing to extend some help in the near future

I remember when I was younger the player HarisHarko always helped me, even though the war separated us I always saw Arabia as a great brother, if you need help you can count on Peru a big hug to the eArabia community

stevan can i sell your life in the game to netflix its good for a series =)

@StevanG Well i did answered everthing here https://www.erev2.com/en/article/8320
I have no strength to write it back again.

https://www.erev2.com/en/article/8321 this one works

Fyrom da te izede 

¡Bravo! La verdad nos hará libres... toda va cayendo en su lugar... ¡Nos espera un nuevo y gran futuro! Sin traidores, y con buenos aliados... ¡Hail SA!

Ay no yo aún no sé conjugar los verbos

One thing is worth mentioning that everyone omits to say is that WAR is better played in offensive and not in defensive. And Stevan and Serbia done this by moving the WAR out of their regions into others regions.. cause its easier to defend an ally and to have a proxi war into the allies regions that in your regions.. and this is all that Stevan done with this NAP.. he wanted either to move the war part in Europe from their RWs to SA regions by setting up this so called world peace and MKD-SA war.. and also even if he says RO would have been covered if I said yes... I suspect that knowing me, he wanted us to start a WAR with the HUNs or to also make RO bleed some stocks more by trying to go left and right for bonuses he calls good for us. He should have knew from the past I do not care for bonuses and I only go for them if they are cheap for grabs and close to us or if it does not involve to many country-colonies and to many RW wise after.. Funny thing is I know he knew this from our past talks and he still wanted to stick them bonuses into my eyes... In conclusion if you want to rest your people and make the opposite side also happy and to keep your precious bonuses, than use Stevan tactics... throw the war in the back garden of an ally and thats it..