The word of Ra

게시 위치 Germany - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 09 Feb 2021 23:00 - 12

As you probably know, 7 days ago i publish article that i am giving free q5 food company. It was having 98 comments.So today i use site which help me to choose a winner. Congrats to co,and here is video proof of electing a winner:

That will be all for this time. Thank you everyone and stay tuned.Probably soon i will publish similar contest.

I  donate our winner gold so he buy company
proof 1:
proof 2:


MultipassMultipassMultipassJacQ stankOJacQ stankOTerrorJacQ stankOJacQ stankOPlamenfmPlamenfmZengonEsTanEsTanEsTa

댓글 (12)

hahaha 442 do beograda Smile congrats brate o7
@salah, How does @coass, the richest person in the game, win? I dont believe
Congrats @coassss! o7
JacQ, money goes to money...Smile Congrats coassss! 💪
Eh znao sam da neću ja biti Sad
to je i bila coasss-ova fabrika nego Salah nije znao kako da mu je vrati Laugh
@Bunnyliu my best bro hello Wink yes nice determination Smile)))) o7
Sepultura razbucao bagru, nego nece narod da se iscima da digne kuke i motike u vis!!!
Salim se malo, sve cestitke Coassss!!! OVO JE PLACEN KOMENTAR
Nice o7
Permanently banned!!! Finally. Should have happened loong time ago.