The word of Ra

게시 위치 Croatia - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 11 Dec 2020 06:22 - 10

Hello there,
Today article will be short.
 As the title of this article say peace offer  to eco i am writting this to give my offer to eco. If he stop with his spaming and crying to admin every day about me he can have rights like other citizens in Croatia. Let me explain what this mean. You can print money like everyone else for ratio 1:1,you can get tax refund for company upgrade. So you will have same rights like everyone. If you wanna position in goverment i can offer you only Minister of education position,because rest of positions are alredy full. I can't give you any bigger position,because of your history. 
I think this is totaly  fair for everyone to give you that offer.It's on you to accept it or to continue with this nonsense talke. You are alredy trying 6 months to overthrow and as you see it's imposimble to make me run away. 

So let's be reasonable people and try to fix this for once and for all.

P.S if you need translation on your language i would be happy to translate it for you

CP of Croatia 


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Uuuuuuu, ništa od primirja. Igra gubi na svojoj zanimljivosti ako se vas dvojica pomirite. To bi bilo isto kao da se Govedo zavoli sa Bugarima
Hahahha a brate dojadilo mi je svaki dan ga slušati Laugh Može dobiti sva prava osim da bude u vlasti.Ovo radim za dobrobit građana Hrvatske jer zbog ove situacije par igrača je već napustilo igru. Dojadi ljudima gledati svaki dan iste gluposti
Kad smo se Govedo i ja pomirili moze svako Laugh
hahaha admin zaprijetio BANOM i odmah se pokušava prodati ... može biti mir samo kad on napusti Hrvatsku i odleprša u Arabiju odakle je i ispuzao...
Evo vidite iz njegovog odgovora kakva je to osoba Smile Boli me k za ban. Nije stvar u tome.Stvar je da sam razumna osoba i pokušavam nešto da riješim. Ponovit ću nešto što sam ti već rekao milion puta JA HRVATSKU NEĆU NAPUSTITI NIKADA!!!
Ау, 2020 е полна со изненадувања. Laugh English version: Wow, 2020 is full of surprises. Laugh
@black owl true bro.I am really trying to make a deal with this guy.But he always speak same shit
2020 corona 2021 salah-assseco peace agreement