
게시 위치 Peru - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 21 Jun 2020 12:20 - 10

Here we can see one of the biggest lies in the game:

Well, honestly when the missions started, in my incredulous mind it was that maybe there would be something new and innovative in the game, but unfortunately it's a pity everything, the same missions as always, there is nothing that has changed from the 7 previous events, just a copy and paste of all the same, the administrator if you are dead, you have no interest in the game, even if it is to sell it to someone who knows about it and knows how to make the game more entertaining, since we simply don't see anything new, the last maybe new thing we saw was 3 weeks ago the weekly event, honestly something nice, but I expected more from this administrator and that he has a better development in the game.

Next point, the missions to rise in rank, is it serious? Administrator your copy and paste is so brazen, that only you can think of placing a mission as aberrant as that:



Simply excellent work, I only have 699kkk of damage left to raise the range 

Well, it's just a bitter thing all this, I just hope for a change, realistic in the game, something that makes you excited, just put the administrator in your work 

To Finish a Dessert 





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pay it with gold you beggar
Same for me, no chance of ranking up, so pointless bothering with it any more..........pay with gold, whats the point in that.
@Great Again you are very foolish to think that this is the problem, I don t mind paying some gold to complete the mission I am talking about always the same thing, besides that kind of mission simply sucks for the game, learn how to capture the publication
Hi. in my case I do not have the gold to pay the mission, so I get stuck there. I don t like this mission, I want the administrator to change it
Told you many times, Dead Admin, Dead Game
nice dessert
Love the dessert 😉
vaya las chicas
nice girls...one of them looks like girl next door...sorry, what was this all about?
estamos en la misma... es la única misión q me falta.