게시 위치 Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - 재정 분석 - 18 Jan 2020 09:17 - 5
This is Admin news
You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 7% chance per hit to receive additional dice.
This is reality
You can receive additional cubes by fighting in battles with 5% chance, or by buying gold packs in Store.
Why they are different %
You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 7% chance per hit to receive additional dice.
This is reality
You can receive additional cubes by fighting in battles with 5% chance, or by buying gold packs in Store.
Why they are different %
RikiLoimpeaGaladraelextremoBTHailipiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassidanilogvdanilogvdanilogvdanilogvdanilogvextremoBTextremoBTMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumlaprihlaprihlaprihlaprihlaprihlaprihWeyouWeyouWeyouDraudakDraudakDraudakDraudakDraudakTonchiTonchiTonchiTonchiTonchiextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiVehecacVehecacVehecacVehecacVehecacVehecacVehecacVehecacGavrilo PrincippextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTextremoBTMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMMr SMTonchiTonchiTonchiTonchiTonchigoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeergoodbeerSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterSplinterHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokHiscokMAKEDONECDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassiDerassikosta1baskosta1bas댓글 (5)

From my sources estimations are even worse - ~2-2.5%.

hummmm, myabe just an error, not a lie.

Admin do not lie.

What u are whining NOOB?? the chance only 7% thats far from just to reached major minority who is 30% ,use ur Brain not ur ASS 😂