게시 위치 United States of America - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 03 Dec 2019 13:07 - 4

Admin - get rid of these stupid time wasting extremely annoying ing idiotic contract quests. God ing ed!!!


SPIRIT OF DEATHSPIRIT OF DEATHKvii left game day671Kvii left game day671boromirboromirPasRatunkowyPresiqnPresiqnSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamSari imamMatejshLifesaverMdionzCRIS99Sebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadoSebastian Davalos RecargadodjurdjodjurdjodjurdjoWorldJusticeWorldJusticeWorldJusticeKlek357SOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANSOLDIERMANCedablack panterblack panterblack panterlordnazgultomcrisIgor1988Wayne Gretzky

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This mission is not as annoying as you remember about RWs missions.
I do quite dislike the contract missions too. I m often busy and don t always have time to waste tracking down people to trade with, that s why I use the market.
do you remember the RH medal mission? Laugh
not that boring ^^