게시 위치 Ukraine - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 29 Aug 2019 02:44 - 4
We all see the rating overall and the rating of our own country. But it is interesting to know what is being done outside of one's own countries. leave off your own screenshots in the comments.
Here is the data we have.
Here is the data we have.
AdminAdminUrushihara댓글 (4)
Beyond The Limits - Ukraine Leaderboard
Serbia http://prntscr.com/oz2843
Poland http://prntscr.com/oz2nk7
Я думаў што ўкраінскі рэйтынг будзе значна мацнейшым.
Bulgaria is gang bang http://prnt.sc/oztvno