게시 위치 Bulgaria - 전장 분석 - 23 Jul 2019 14:00 - 51

EN: I was promise to write this article yesterday, but i was very busy in RL for that i write it today.
БГ: Бях обещал да напиша тази статия още вчера, но бях доста зает и за това я пускам днес
Article has Bulgarian and English version.
BG Version /English below/
Здравейте скъпи граждани и играчи, тъй като честно казано и на мен ми писна пиша този ОТВОРЕН ТИКЕТ до Tovar и Tropico. Не знам кой е собственика, кой е админа, какви са импрофитите и облагите като цяло и не ме и интересува! Интересува ме това, че все по-често разни пикселизирани герои си правят гавра с нас.
Преди всичко искам да кажа, че по никакъв начин НЕ ИСКАМ да ЗАДЪЛЖАВАМ никой да прави каквото и да било!!!
Tovar, Tropico играта си е ВАША, но играчите сме ние – без нас едва ли ще имакакво да се играе... та на въпроса:
Вчера пуснах „петиция“ да чуя мнението на българскитеграждани при което получих над 140 отговора и само 2 от тях бяха отрицателни!
От днес – 22.07.2019 Българското правителство спира всякаквидействия по Организирани удари, съплаи и харчене на вафли! Оставяме на Крис да
завладее пиксел-България и да покаже колко му е голям... пиксела!
Лично аз и няколко човека даваме ЕДНА СЕДМИЦА в която искамеда получим отговори на въпросите си и да видим някаква промяна ако ли не просто
ще спрем да играем играта.
Въпрос/Случай №1:
банът на Салах - Защо е му е сменин никаи му е махнат бана? Перманентен бан не значи временен бан или всеки може да
прави каквото си иска?
Към този случай искаме да се включи в правилата на играта ЗАБРАНА ЗА ВСЯКАКВИ
Въпрос/Случай №2:
новият акаунт на Сельо – според правилата на играта:
„Обмяната, продажбата или закупуването насъдържание на eRevollution (акаунти, злато, предмети, валути, компании и т.н.),
които се търгуват между други игри, е забранено и може да доведе до постоянна
забрана (на всички свързани акаунти).“
Е повече от явно е, че м/у акаунти с ИД – 968 и 992 има някаква сделка, но
админа не предприема никакви действия?!
На всички ни е ясно, че всеки тук е докарал брат си,сестрата или друг близък роднина, НО се придържа към правилата и не показва
подобна НАГЛОСТ!
Или ВИЗА играчите са защитени и правят каквото си искат?
За да бъда ясен искам да допълня към тази точка, че:
На всички ни е почти ясно кой кой е в тази игра и кой на кой е брат, но не там е проблема, без тези играчи играта да е умряла отдавна... има недостиг на работна ръка и т.н. с което админа явно не може да се справи и повече от явно няма желанието... но това е друга доста дълга тема..
Въпрос/Случай №3:
Как Сельо с новият си акаунт наби толкова барове при ограничението за
закупуване на барове?
Може да видите битки с ID 7496(16,053 удара) и 7465(7,172) което е = на 2300 бара. Това не е акаунт който несе бие и да е събирал толкова дълго, че да ги има!
Искаме да бъдем уверени, че няма двоен стандарт при закупуването на барове и
тук и че админа си спазва „обещанието“ и има лимит за барове!
Въпрос/Случай №4:
спиране на чата на Крис и пускането му обратно – няколко пъти вече се забелязва
ЛАНСИРАНЕ на т.н. ВИЗА играч! Искаме да се вземе сериозно отношение по този
въпрос и когато ОБИЖДА дадена нация, играч или раса да се вземат мерки и при
2-3-4 такива провинения просто да се спира чата на дадения играч!
Пример: 1во провинение – заглушаване за 4 часа, 2ро 40 часа, 3то 400часа, 4то 4000 часа и т.н. !!! Трябва да се сложи край на това излишно обиждане
и провокиране!
Да се обявят ясни правила за това и ясни наказания, като провокациите трябва да
са равни на обиди!
Лично аз съм пускал над 3 репорта за които дори не ми е било отговаряно! Може
да съм дал 5 евро за тази игра, но след като съм подал сигнал трябва да ми бъде
обърнато внимание!
Въпрос/Случай №5 и най-важен:
Да се спре лансирането на ВИЗА ИГРАЧИТЕ и всички да бъдат равни! Не може да
разделяте играчите на два типа – касички и пълнеж, защото без пълнеж няма да
има касички!
Товар вчера ясно се изказа, че няма да прочете тази статия,но аз все пак ще му дам шанс да го направи и да се свърже с мен с ясен отговор
в седем дневен срок.
Какъв е смисъла да отделяш време за играта, да ангажираш хора, да търсиш нови, да ги обучаваш, след като на определен човек се дават огромни привилегии и с неговите действия той отказва останалите играчи. Нека си кажем истината, не е проблем, че той бие срещу нас , показахме, че въпреки това си ги бием, проблема е че не е справедливо всичко останало!
Ако искате(админите) пуснете 2ри сървър за визи - да си мерят там п...е. Достатъчно акаунти бяха баннати за глупости, докато други си правят каквото искат.
Това е от мен за сега, успех на всички!
Моля всички играчи - не бъдете аругантни и недейте да обиждате никой!
Всеки има право на лош вкус, грешна преценка и да бъде тъп.
Уважете това! Благодаря!
Президент на еБългария
добавено от 23.7.2019 - още 4000+ удара от Сельо... или иначе казано общо около ~2700 бара
EN version:
Hello dear citizens and players, because honestly, I am too tired from all of this, for that i writing this OPEN TICKET to Tovar and Tropico.
I do not know who is the owner, who is the admin, what are their profits and benefits in general and I do not care! I'm interested in the fact that more and more often some pixelated heroes are screwing around with us.
First of all I want to say that I in NO WAY WANT to OBLIGE anyone to do anything !!!
Tovar, Tropico tihs is YOUR game, but we are the players – without us there will hardly be anything to play with ... to the subject in question:
Yesterday, I issued a "petition" to hear the opinion of the Bulgarian citizens, in which I received over 140 answers and only two of them were negative!
As of today - 23.07.2019 The Bulgarian government stops all sorts of actions on Organized Hits, suplies and spending of Energy Bars! We leave Chris to capture pixel-Bulgaria and show how big is his ... pixel!
Personally, I and a few people are giving ONE WEEK in which we want to get answers to our questions and see some change and if not we will just stop playing the game.
Question / Case # 1:
The ban on Salah - Why is his name changed and his ban removed? Permanent ban does not mean a temporary ban or can anyone do what they want?
To this case we want it to be added to the rules of the game a FOBIDDING OF ANY INSULTS OR ATTACKS IN REAL LIFE!
Question / Case No. 2:
The new account of Celio - according to the rules of the game:
"The exchange, sale or purchase of eRevollution content (accounts, gold, items, currencies, companies, etc.) that are traded between other games is prohibited and may result in a permanent ban (on all linked accounts). "
It's more than obvious that between accounts with ID 968 and 992 there is some ongoing deal, but the admin does not take any action?!
We all know that everyone here has brought their brother, sister or other close relative, but they adhere to the rules and do not show such an attitude!
Or are VISA players are protected and get to do what they want?
To be clear, I would like to add to this point that:
We all know who is who in this game and everyone invite his brother, sister or father/mother but that's not where the problem is, without these players the game would have died a long time ago... there is a shortage of manpower and so on which the admin is obviously unable to manage and more than obviously does not have the desire to do so ... but this is another rather long topic.
Question / Case No. 3:
How did Celio with his new account get so many bars with the limit of buying bars?
You can see battles with ID 7496 (16,053 hits) and 7465 (7,172 hits) which is ~2,300 bars. This is not an account that does not fight and sotrage them!
We want to be confident that there is no double standard in buying bars here, and that the admin maintains the "promise" and there is a bar limit!
Question / Case No. 4:
Stopping Chris's chat and then putting it back up - a few times already there has been a noticeable FAVORING of the so-called VISA player! We want this matter to be treated seriously, and when the player INSULTS a nation, player or race serious actions to be undertaken and with 2-3-4 such offenses the player to be simply stopped from chatting!
For example: 1st offense - mute for 4 hours, 2nd - 40 hours, 3rd - 400 hours, 4th - 4000 hours, etc. !!! We need to put an end to this unnecessary insult and provocation!
Declare clear rules and clear penalties, and provocations must be equal to insults!
Personally, I have sent over 3 reports for which I have not even been replied! I may have given 5 euros for this game, but once I have sent a signal I should be noticed!
Question / Case No. 5 and most important:
Stop the favoring of VISA PLAYERS and let everyone be equal! You cannot divide the players into two types - boxes and stuffing, because without stuffing there will be no cash boxes!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------Tovar Yesterday clearly stated that he would not read this article, but I would still give him a chance to do so and contact me with a clear answer within seven days.
What's the point of spending time on the game, engaging people, looking for new ones, training them after a particular person is given huge privileges and with his actions he refuses the other players. Let's tell the truth, it's not a problem that he beats us, we've shown that we can win if we want, the problem is that everything is not fair!
If you want (the administrators) to run a second visa server -to measure the organs there. Enought accounts were banned for bull while others did what they wanted!
added from 23.7.2019 - more 4000+ hits from Celio... or for total ~2700 ED's
As everybody see we lost battle vs SA :D yes big part of us drink beer in this time and if nobody take actions from admin team - we will focus on beer time, not on game.
This is all from me for now, good luck to all!
To all players - please do not be arrogant and do not offend anyone!
Everyone has the right to bad taste, wrong judgment and to be stupid.
Respect this! Thank you!
President of Bulgaria
Hail Chris! Congratz! Amazing win, amazing warrior!!! He is the ONE AND ONLY who win even he lost ;D
coasssshan TervelEdgeGarikTankRagnarok댓글 (51)



Boycott 2.0 is here
Sooner than we expected hahahha . I will answer for each case,then i will not be bothered to check comments, since you cry as much as you like. 1). Banning someone cuz of his name is insane, he had to get temp ban and change his name, And thats exactly what happened. 2). I can change my name to any BG player, BG players use my name and avatar, so we might exchanged our accs,who knows
3).Acc Celio ,(braza) had EDs stored,im aware of it as his commander, and he buy 400 EDs every week. For example i have to buy EDs 4 months! I just had 5k in stock, and i still have most of them stocked... 4). Im not the one who started it, im not the one who use other players avatars or use their names... 5). Well thats something we saw in ww2,during ur first boycott. So i guess its ur moto during boycott periods
//// yeah we won your core,like it was expected. Since we controlled our dmg, you didnt... You won 8 battles,we won 29. And now that you are out of stock you boycott. Classic Bulgaria.. Have fun everyone o7 Another day another victory !


O7 Chris, pour money into a dying game, this is our greatest victory

I forgot to ask you if you did the same,when Bogomil bought Espors Acc, or when Itso bought Picaroons acc. Yeah i know the answer .... 

Espor(bogomil , Without 4 stars) the Emperator of Nova has speak

How Сельо have 1/3 of usa s hits and dmg, at the and of all battles? Chek it

Chris be like. But but but, my avatar. But but but my nickname. But but but i buy ED 😭😭😭😭

They’ll realise that the game was dependable of Bg players but it will be kind of too late for ‘em. We ain’t care at all 




Learn how to stock energy bars before starting a war!
Welcome to game o7 🤣🤣

А ти се научи как да играеш без да набиваш пари Сельо.

All these questions are to Tovar and Tropico.
Why are you answering Chris, when none asked you to do so?
Are you admin or something? If yes declare it, if not shut the fuck up.

God Chickerino was right. Boycott 2.0 coming 

Да бъде смрт!




ahahaha didn t see u open ticket when u were winning ahahhaha

You have a right to make new game with your own rules. Or just leave this game. Everybody talk bullshit about game is dead from long time ago and everybody still playing. MANIPULATION. That s what admins did to us. But we have a always choice to leave this shitty game. But MANIPULATION. THAT S ALL ABOUT IT



If admin preffers 1 or 2 VISA accs over well populated game (that could generate more money) who are we to argue
Money and greed rules the world. Especially on poor fu*k balkans and as we know owners are from balkan


Game is dead

grown ass crybabies gg

if you want prosper , you need to invest it , don t cry , that wont help.

Dead game

Dead, dead, dead, because have no will for a little effort, so one player can not decade all game.


Well 1 thing is for sure.
Someone has perma banned BG community self esteem and dignity since ... hmmm ever?
Not an expert on these games but you guys are ridiculous sore losers.

Hahahahahahahahah this is hilarious, even more for the fact it comes from someone who took over another top account Picaroon 🤣🤣🤣

Cry me a river :-) typical bulgarian behavour ahahah