게시 위치 United States of America - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 21 Jan 2019 13:23 - 12
Hello everyone ! how have you been doing the last weeks ?
Today in this very small, yet meaningfull article i wish to share that Black berets ( the private MU under Shiroe's,Cypher's and my command, located in USA at the moment ) have revoked the rule of complete silence. That doesn't mean that people are allowed to say anything they wish ! we still have limitations but article making and shouting is officialy allowed !
Here are some beautiful moments after the free-dom of speech that was given to us tonight !
And last but not least !
I wish everyone to have a good night and week ! The black reaper's mouth has been unlished ! XD
Safer, 2nd Vice Commander of Black Berets
Today in this very small, yet meaningfull article i wish to share that Black berets ( the private MU under Shiroe's,Cypher's and my command, located in USA at the moment ) have revoked the rule of complete silence. That doesn't mean that people are allowed to say anything they wish ! we still have limitations but article making and shouting is officialy allowed !
Here are some beautiful moments after the free-dom of speech that was given to us tonight !
And last but not least !
I wish everyone to have a good night and week ! The black reaper's mouth has been unlished ! XD
Safer, 2nd Vice Commander of Black Berets
AinzFikipRagn0Romero댓글 (12)
The black reaper s mouth has been unlished !
Hail BB o7
hahahah : )
What s going on? free food? (`0_0`)
Admins help, we are under control of tyrranical ruler!
Speaking its always cool =)
Hahaha, as always i have a special spot when i relay any kind of information
Hail fre ..
ωχ τους εβγαλαν το φιμωτρο