게시 위치 Venezuela - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 14 Dec 2018 11:14 - 36
we are back with latest news and updates.This might be a little longer article, so bare with us, because we have plenty of information to give you.
First of all, let us introduce the changes implemented since the last article (in case you missed it or don’t follow our Discord channel):
- you can now travel for 1 gold as an alternative to 40 country currency, so you no longer have to worry about being stuck in another country;
all of the companies can now be sold, there were some restrictions in the former period, but now it is all enabled
countries can declare war even to countries in their MPP list; note that once the attack is started, MPP between them is deleted, and the attacker will lose MPP with all countries that also have MPP with the defender country; the defender keeps all MPPs
Act of War
We hope you had fun collecting prizes from the Lucky Dice event, because we think they might come in handy for the next exciting event, Act of War! It will start on Day 71 and it will last for 16 days (Day 78 will be reset of event board and start from the beginning). The event will end up on Day 87 (Day 86 will be the last day for completing it).

The event consists of: fighting for your country (True Patriot medal), fighting for your country’s allies (True Ally medal), and fighting in resistance wars (on the side of the resistance) (True Revolutionary medal). Each type of fight comes in three stages: Bronze stage, Silver stage and Golden stage. After you complete a certain stage, you will receive one random prize from the list below. You can choose the order of completing (the pace for TP/TA/TR progress), but the order Bronze-Silver-Golden is obligatory for the each. Your progress will be saved for the next day (except on Day 78, when the board will be reset to 0 automatically).
You can view your progress in the event window. Green arrow means that the stage is completed, red arrow that the stage is in progress and grey arrow is for the inactive stage.
Bronze stage:
To complete the Bronze stage, you must have 100 hits with or without weapon for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR).
Reward will be one of the following:
- 100 experience
- 50 q2 weapons
- 5 Energy bars
- 10 RPG
- 3 work tokens
Silver stage:
To complete the Silver stage, you must have 300 hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR). You can once again choose to fight with or without weapons.
Reward will be one of the following:
- 250 local currency
- 100 q3 weapons
- 10 Energy bars
- 5 work tokens
- 6 gold
Golden stage:
In order to complete the Golden stage, you must have 600 hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR). EDIT: You can once again choose to fight with or without weapons.
Reward will be one of the following:
- 10 work tokens
- 12 Gold
- 50 RPG
- Q4 booster
- 1 q5 bomb
Once you fill out the complete board, you can reset it for free and start all over.
As you all know, we already shifted dates for training ground upgrades, so q5 training ground was supposed to be unlocked on Day 80. After multiple pleas from the players, it was decided to postpone the date to Day 90, to give you a little more time to collect the gold. The dates won’t be postponed anymore. This is a strategy game, use your strategies, organize priorities, it was known for a long time how much everything costs, don’t come and ask for another postponement, please.
IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to upgrade the training ground first and then train, because we do not reimburse strength difference lost that way.
Many of you complained about the medal system and how it is hard to receive medals, so here are some of our opinions on the matter:
- They are made that way to keep the balance and make the game enjoyable for a longer period of time. If we put lower limits for medals, a bunch of you would receive lots of them in a short time, build up all the companies, gold would become worthless and the game would become boring. Where is the fun in having everything served on a platter?
It is also one of the ways to make 2-click players more active, because the game is designed in a way that the more you are active, the better you thrive, and it will be noticeable especially in the long run;
That is why we made damage requirements the same for all medal types, and also had the medals give you the same amount of gold - 5g, be it True Patriot, True Ally or True Revolutionary. Plus you have the missiles which give you a significant damage boost and provide great help in receiving the medals.
A great majority has more companies in their possession, gold on their accounts, the economies are active and that is the whole point. However, we decided to change the damage boost from weapons and RPG, as follows:

This way it will be a little easier for you to receive medals and the gold they bring. The change will be effective on Day 71.
We are once again looking for new moderators. It is a job that comes with its perks and responsibilities. You are responsible for your actions, and if you do things that harm the game and/or other players, you will face consequences for it, which may go up to straightforward permanent ban. You ought to be confidential and not share any information given to you, be it about other players, the game itself, insights by admins etc., and violating those rules is also prone to punishment. The person who wants to become a moderator cannot be involved in any aspect of political life ingame due to conflict of interests.
To apply you have to meet certain demands:
- Age above 20 years
Must be available at least 3-4 hours a day
Must be active as much as possible
Good English knowledge
Must be without a ban
When applying we urge you to write about yourself as much as possible, like where you come from, how old you are, how much time you have, what you do, if you had any previous experience with being a Moderator. The better you introduce yourself, the better chance you have to be selected as a Moderator.
Some questions to answer, for better application:
- Do you have experience with Moderating in any game?
Are you a quick learner?
Have you ever been banned in eRevollution 1 and/or 2?
Do you have a job?
Do you have access to computer at least 3-4 hours per day?
Do you play the game via mobile or computer?
Are you active in Skype?
What is the reason which made you send us application for moderator position?
What do you believe you can really contribute to our moderation team?
Describe your character.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

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thanks for changing the strength of the weapons and RPG! o7



thanks for changing the strength of the weapons and RPG! o7

0 nouveauté, comme d hab

Interesting o7

good changes 

well done

ZARAKI big fail 

Remove 250 local currency reward from the Silver stage. No need to make excess currency, it ruins the economy of a country. Especially the small ones.



Actually that will not ruin economy of small country.Beceause most of players will travel to bigger country and finish that event there,and get currency from that country

Good changes o7




Training ground
As you all know, we already shifted dates for training ground upgrades, so q5 training ground was supposed to be unlocked on Day 80. After multiple pleas from the players, it was decided to postpone the date to Day 90, to give you a little more time to collect the gold. The dates won’t be postponed anymore. This is a strategy game, use your strategies, organize priorities, it was known for a long time how much everything costs, don’t come and ask for another postponement, please.
IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to upgrade the training ground first and then train, because we do not reimburse strength difference lost that way.
they know that only players who buys gold can buy those Training grounds....

This is a strategy game, use your strategies, organize priorities, it was known for a long time how much everything costs
So back it to day 80

good job

I think admins are right to make the game harder. Of course, there will always be VISA s that don t get bothered by this system but to the average player, it really becomes more challenging and promotes a better teamwork in MU s or even in countries administration.


again, strategy game is good i have ni doubt at all but dont make this game more PAY TO WIN.... u admins have allready erev1

Very weack news for new year.


players that have invested in erev1 received 100golds in this game, that is for q2 and q3 TG...

Samo Napred, Samo Jako.

FYI the dice game ruined the house market, its a horrible event, please don t act like thats something you should be proud of

Did you knew ice-apple... That really had strategy...!!!!


Will you start New Year promotion?

Travel for gold option did not work for me.
I ve had to buy local currency to travel back to my country.

@sztrovacsek, please send a ticket to support, provide screenshots if possible.

Hola, cuando termina una batalla dice en español: Batella y es Batalla

Hello, when a war ends it says in Spanish: Batella y es Batalla

Oí esa mhamhada!