게시 위치 Serbia - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 08 Oct 2018 07:59 - 27
I hope that you remember me. Some say that I stayed strongest naval player in the previous server few months after I left the game, and I am very glad because of that. I would never be able to do that without huge amount of help from you, my friends (all around the world).
For example, I found this battle(Vitez srpski - was new name given to D28 profile after i left) where I got gifts (warships, cc and gold) from 40+ different players around the world (most from NaDuVaNi_LiK).
I remember great fights against Georgia, Romania, Macedonia, and great friendships with Greece and Bosnia (lot of others included, but those were most important when I was CP ;) ). I hope to see you all on the battlefield in the morning hours and late night also.
Best days ever:
Subscribe and vote, if you need return, just write me in PM or comment section.
And pussy at the end:
tazohenryGachiGASMClark Kent댓글 (27)
s2 o7 https://www.erev2.com/en/article/181
S1 V2 https://www.erev2.com/en/newspaper/206 Sorry but i can hardly remember you, i am quite new to the game. o7
You have sub and vote from me and some links Check them
HHahahah, TNX my man. I remember this time sooo good. It was the best time in the game. You know that you have my sub already
Yeap Good, old times... I hope that we will have something like that here too
s+v, even though that pussy is too hairy .
Te bitke su kad je Naduvani bio CP (ili pre toga kad je rintao za Pikov mandat )?
Za vreme mog mandata Pika nećemo da spominjemo xD Još uvek mi je dužan
Kad je naduvani bio CP.. Potrosio je sve sto je bilo u kasi. Ja sam posle njega bio CP i secam se da smo vec treci dan bili u minusu nekih 300 golda Ali isplatilo se, pa da se zaduzio i 30 000. Nikad bolje nismo ratovali nego tad
Dajte nam brodove ovde hahahahahha pa da delim mojim Srbendama
Znaci, prvi da budem na listi ako se pojave brodovi.. Tu grmim
Dobrodosao nazad! o7
v18s29 https://www.erev2.com/en/newspaper/33
ave Srbija o7
Ima mene, ima sub 😁
https://www.erev2.com/en/article/246 s+v
sub 65 v27
https://www.erev2.com/en/article/203 s4s
S80 sub back please https://www.erev2.com/en/newspaper/364
s83 v29 All the Best !
SUB 114
Znači doseliću se opet zbog tebe Dule hahahahaha
Sub back to me or I will unsub you
Nice to see you again D! o7
o7 My friend Nice to see you to.