게시 위치 Romania - 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 - 11 Nov 2018 12:25 - 9
Gates of Maramures - Maramures Country - Romania
The historic wood church of Şurdeşti, with a tower height of 54 m and a total height of 72 m, is considered to be the world's tallest historical wooden church, being registered in the Guinness Book. Location: Surdesti - Maramures Country - Romania
Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, where people laugh at death. In a ranking of funerary monuments in the world, the Merry Cemetery in Sapanta is second, after the Kings Valley in Egypt. Location: Sapanta - Maramures Country - Romania
All the Best!
Country Maramures - my native place
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Hăiiiiii, țurai, păi după pui de moroşan,
Da să nu dai cu bolovan,
Că dacă li nimerii,
Vai de capul tau a fi!
v38 s100 https://www.erev2.com/en/article/1383
v43 https://www.erev2.com/ro/article/1400
s108 v era deja ..succes