منتشر شده در United States of America - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 23 Oct 2018 13:20 - 39

حمایت کردن
DieselBlackfuryEl Tito Stynkerنظرات (39)

Lies. You found oil there.

At least we re an RL Peruvian community
. With love, gringos.

Hahahahahaha @brisleain nice one

Isaak, Ace is American... lol

no Ultimatum?

🏢 ✈️ ✈️

lol both irl and in-game, USA is so obnoxious

Perú has mass destruction weapons. Build that wall!


i do know that, but at least 70% of the whole community is American? i don t think so.

So what? You are just jealous no one wants to come to Peru. 

Make Peru Great Again

Make Peru Great Again

Make Peru Great Again

✪ Doing what is right ✪

We ll learn u how democracy works

Paradores y no correlones CTMR

Murica !

Gib oil

looking for cs
Alianza Lima is the Perú

jajaja Hail Chorrillano!!!


Chorrilano? HAHAHAHA, es Chorrillano
Your idea of fre does not work in here, peruvians are more dangerous than vietnamese people 

Hellow, green go home

Peru for Peruvians. Hail Chorrillano

Bueno llegaremos a hawai como en el juego pasado ,ty USA Heil trump , Heil Hitman

Fun fact : Chorrillano paid for 11th September :sueur:

Kenchi is still buthurted from other game, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 

Estos gringos csm jajajajaja

We are all 100% RL Americans. Check my American Express.

Make Peru Great Again. PS: multis doesnt count as RL community

peru and us have not real cs 😂😂

This article gave me brain cancer

While I do agree that this article is garbage, I would not define anything by those two words except for that thing itself. Suffer well.

You really took that to heart have you?

I did.

Grengo weon anda limpeandome dc ya voy

ψτ, μπαγλαμα pisco, μιας και ειπαμε να μιλαμε ο καθενας τη γλωσσα του, μια ζωη γειτονες θα ειμαστε, θα δεις τι θα πει σκλαβια για παντα