Newspaper 106

jdee106 - روزنامه از Romania -

منتشر شده در Romania - اولین گام در eRevollution - 12 Aug 2020 06:47 - 1

Mis. blue
10: Finding workers - Hire 5 workers to work for you=5 gold

14: Sell and earn Sell 5000 products on the Marketplace = 1000xp, 50 Strength
15: Weapon Shopping - Buy 2000 weapons from any market =12 Employees

16: Business II - Place your bid for workers on market and get 10 work tokens from your worker= 20 Employees
17: More workers Spend 25 work tokens =1000 food, 1 house
18: Contractor - Buy and/or sell things 30 times using the Contract option = 15 Employees, 300 temp RPG

19: Buying abroad - Buy 10000 food or weapons from another country's market. = 3000 temp RPG, 1 temp booster
20: Market invasion - Sell 6000 products in other country market = 6 gold, 600 cc
21: Corporation owner - Produce 15000 items in your company =25 Employees

Mis. Green


25: Thinking strategic - Produce 5 missiles = 5 gold
26: Hitting hard - Make 1000 hits in a single battle = 30 temp Energy bar, 300 RPG
27:Free Man - Make 3000 hits in Resistance war on the resistance side = 30 Energy bar, 1000 temp RPG

29: Energy boost - Use 100 Energy bars = 80 En.Bar, 5 temp HB
30: War Dog - earn Battle Hero medal = 25 gold, 250 Strength

31: True Patriot -Make 6000 hits for your country = 600xp, 60 Strength, 60 Energy bar, 600 temp RPG
32: True Ally - Make 6000 hits for your country’s allies. =600xp, 60 Strength, 60 Energy bar, 600 temp RPG
33: True Revolutionary II- Make 6000 hits in Resistance wars on the resistance side =600xp, 60 Strength, 60 Energy bar, 600 temp RPG

Mis. Red

36: Vacation - Travel to 25 different regions. = 25 Energy bar

37: Temporary Rewards - Spend 30 Temporary Energy Bars= 30 Energy bar
38: Hyper recovery - Use 5 Hyper Bars =1000 food
39: Sponsoring article writers - Endorse 40 articles = 400xp, 4 gold, 4 Employees

40: Restoration - Restore 99000 energy =99 temp. Energy bar, 44 Energy bar, 1 booster
42: Pirate Island II - Open new rewards in 27 Pirate Chest = 2000 exp, 200 Strength

43: Using weapons - Spend 8000 weapons in the Battlefield (RPG - included) =30 gold
44: Boost yourself - Activate 2 boosters (temp boost not included)= 20 Energy bar
45: Keeping up appearances - Change your avatar = 100 xp, 50 Strength

Mis. Violet (Expert/Orange)

46: Growing faster -  rise up your level= 75 Energy
47: Expanding Business - rise a new company or upgrade one that you already have = 1 Land
48: Earning gold - earn 50 gold by earning True Patriot, True Ally and/or True Revolutionary medals = 50 gold
49: Production to the max II - Use 150 work tokens to boost up your production = 180 Strength, 180 Employees
50: Veteran soldier - Make 7000 hits to show what you are made of. = 2500 RPG

Final mission
51: Resistance Hero - Earn a Resistance Hero medal.= 1 Quest Hero, 1 Gold Pack, 1 Booster q5, 1 Nuke

Ma puteti ajuta sa completez articolul trimitand mesaje cu  poze de la misiunile lipsa. De asemenea puteti solicita in comentarii sau PM lamuriri suplimentare referitoare la misiuni.

حمایت کردن

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