burchex's newspaper

منتشر شده در France - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 09 Mar 2020 11:13 - 16

Hello,after the actions of my ex alliance members,it made me to left alliance.
after US disband,P.O.E does not have leader anymore,I can't let France to be in alliance which has no leader,so I decided to left the alliance.
I was trying to do my best while I was president but I did it in half,I made mistakes and to confess my faults I will left France tomorrow! 
it was great pleasure to fight for my alliance or to fight against my enemies,allies and enemies,both deserve respect from me,it will be always in my best memories list in that game.
me and important part of France will move to Peru,it is our migration,new wars,new adventures,because of that to wipe France will not be right decision,in France there are left only farmers and peaceful people which weren't included for war preparations and its movements.so please let them live in their cores.they don't deserve wipe,if you don't care only for bonuses as you say,it will be more honorable and respectable decision for everyone.
Now my fight is over.Good luck.

حمایت کردن

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نظرات (16)

good luck SadSad
Lol not having alliance leader is not a reason 😂
Good luck! For turkish players in France: Türkiye ye geri dön!
😂 realy big joke hahaaha
White flag ¿ im disapointed
Very brave, respect.
france will move to peru Laugh
HaHaHHahahahahaHHHahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahaha Laugh Laugh Laugh noobs with one word hahahaha Laugh Laugh
No bro we are not noobs... let me explain you something,you are noob not us,you can t call us that name... you were in Germany we wiped you were in Albania we wiped you too.idk why do you call us noobs xD
French neutrality won t be accepted under any circumstances. Pu**ies stays pu**ies !
@Rodjo you can t decide anything about it,you are nothing